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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Working capital

Реферат Working capital


.1 Normalization of current assets and determining the need for them

and business activity is impossible without working capital. This need is one of the objects of the financial planning and accounting for and reporting. Size of working capital, which forms part of every current assets must meet the needs and possibilities of creation and sales. In the process of business enterprise direct effect on growth efficiency of current assets (inventory optimization, reducing the duration of the production cycle, improvement of logistics, sales acceleration time). However, resources are directed to production due to inefficient use do not give good value. Therefore, significant importance is the determination of economic efficiency of current vehicles. [21] addition, there is a need in the planning of financial resources for ancillary and subsidiary, housing and public utilities, welfare institutions and other non-industrial nature. Defining the needs of current assets through their normalization. Normalization of working capital presupposes that many factors that affect the economic activity of enterprises. The enterprises production sphere to them include: terms of the supply business inventories: the number of suppliers, delivery time, the amount of transit parties, the number of items of goods, forms of payment for material values; organization of the production process: the duration of the production cycle, expenditure allocations for the production cycle, the range of output; terms of sales: the number of consumers of finished products, their remoteness, destination products, subject to its transportation, forms of payment for shipped products. [17, sec. 148 - 147] ratio is defined as the ratio of current annual turnover of their annual average number of revolutions and indicates who made the working capital for the period. The more turns carry current assets, the more effectively they are used: [C. 78 Makarovska EP]

K_ob = O_r/S_ob (2.1)

Kob - turnover ratio; Or - an annual turnover of circulating assets; Sob - the average value of current assets. In ratio of applying auxiliary parameters, such as playing one turnover includes the number of days during which current assets make one turn and load factor of current assets. As far as the following formulas: [10, sec. 78]

_t = D_n/K_ob (2.2) _z = S_ob/O_r (2.3)

's where - playing one turnover; Days - Number of days in a year (usually take 360); Circuit - the load factor of current assets. Load factor current assets enables to estimate the amount of current assets to 1 USD sales. Less current means used for the production of products sold per 1 USD, the rational and better use them. Actually, all three indices are identical, but each of them differently expressed: the first - in quality ratio, the seco...

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