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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

y. A root metaphor is different from the previous types of metaphor in that it is not necessarily an explicit device in language, but a fundamental, often unconscious, assumption.is considered the most common source of root metaphors, since birth, marriage, death and other universal life experiences can convey a very different meaning to different people, based on their level or type of religious adherence. For example, some religions see life as a single arrow pointing toward a future endpoint. Others see it as part of an endlessly repeating cycle. An individual's political affiliations are another source of root metaphors. In the United States, both conservatives and liberals assume that the nation is a family. However, as George Lakoff has shown, in Moral Politics, they have very different ideas about what a family is and how it should function. Conservatives believe in a "strict father" type of family, and liberals see the family as a nurturing and educating social institution [10; 56].

A dying metaphor is a derogatory term coined by George Orwell in his essay Politics and the English Language. Orwell defines a dying metaphor as a metaphor that isn't dead (dead metaphors are ok since they are treated like ordinary words), but has been worn out and are used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves. Example: Achilles 'heel.

A submerged metaphor is one in which the vehicle is implicit. The reader deduces the nature of the vehicle from some aspect of the description of the tenor. For example, my winged thought is a submerged metaphor comparing my thought to a bird [3; 512].

The category of metaphor can be further considered to contain the following specialized subsets:

1) allegory: An extended metaphor in which a story is told to illustrate an important attribute of the subject

2) catachresis: A mixed metaphor (sometimes used by design and sometimes a rhetorical fault)

3) parable: An extended metaphor told as an anecdote to illustrate or teach a moral lesson [5; 69]. of the types of metaphors one prefares or likes the most, Aristotle's observation 2,500 years ago in Rhetoric should be kept in mind: "Those words are most pleasant which give us new knowledge. Strange words have no meaning for us; common terms we know already. It is metaphor which gives us most of this pleasure. "br/>

3. The Mechanism of Metaphor Formation

It is significant to say that artists works are considered to be the sources of new metaphors. They create them and intoduce in their works. Metaphors are writer...

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