part of the test from another. In such cases the music is different.combination of music and reading is used to mark the transition from one topic to another. In such cases no new information is given (and the music is combined with the text). is used to enforce the effect of reading.information in the film is accompanied by a loud and a more dynamic music. In such cases the fractional division of the text into parts is different. The reader uses short and abrupt sense-groups. Such a manner of reading in combination with the music creates the atmosphere of tension and helps to involve the audience. transfer factual information the video and audio perception channels are involved. Thus, every part of factual information given by the reader is illustrated by a picture. reader uses all phonetic means to manage the attention of the audience. Temporal and pitch variations are accompanied by the changes of loudness and voice quality. The most important words are highlighted by the reader.
an overview of modern taxonomy of texts and analyzing the materials offering the clear instances of the object of our research we have succeeded in reaching the aim of this paper., we have validated that popular science text has particular characteristics that make it different from other variations of prepared speech phonetic style. Its main aim is to entertain; lexically and syntactically it is simpler than lectures or oral presentations of science proper texts; phonetically it is more vivid and casual., We consider it to be an important fact that the prosodic features of popular science text are closely connected with kinetic means of non-verbal communication. Moreover, the use of special background music effects in order to influence the audience and its perception of information might be employed and it is a unique feature not present in other variations of prepared speech. p align="justify"> BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST
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