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Реферат The motivation as training to foreign language

stify"> t have to graduate from high school. You don t have to get a job.: Brother ...: I ll be happy to help you if you want help .: I get it. I ll do it! to win the hearts and minds of learners has been a concern of educational psychologists since the foundation of their science. In any given classroom, some learners will participate enthusiastically while others will not, but the explanation for this disparity is not always apparent. Over the years educational psychologists have used the term motivation to account for variations in the energy and direction of learners < span align = "justify"> behavior. But as we will see, motivation means very different things to different psychologists [12]. No one has ever seen, touched, or weighed motivation, educational psychologists typically use metaphors to help them describe this phenomenon. The use of metaphors to describe complicated mental phenomena is familiar to you from earlier chapters of this book: Piaget uses the balance metaphor to help explain cognitive development, and cognitive psychologists use the metaphor of the mind as an information processing system. Likewise, various other metaphors have been the principal source of motivation theory and research (Weiner, 1991). Earliest theories of motivation assumed that the forces that give energy and direction to human behavior were beyond human control. These theories propose that either internal or external forces beyond our control cause people to display motivated or unmotivated behavior.tells us that we are the sum of our actions and motivation. His words resonate with me personally. As a teacher we appreciate the premise that an individual s cumulative actions can result in a fantastic end product. At School, we have taken this even further. We have taken action this year and we have done so collectively and we can only pay tribute to the outcome. We have had a remarkable year at school and the school has grown from strength to strength. , Many would see one of my roles as a teaching and leading role. We have been fortunate this year to learn a great deal myself. We have learned that School is the sum of all our actions and that each child, parent, teacher, staff member and heads have all acted together to further enhance and develop motivation and excellence in our School [13]. have seen our heads giving focused and knowledgeable expertise to provide solid financial and strategic direction for School. We have witnessed our Parents Association and indeed our parents, giving selflessly and enthusiastically in a fellowship, fund raising and supportive role. We are grateful for the positive, motivating role that they have played this year. have continued to learn that...

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