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Реферат The motivation as training to foreign language

the teachers at School are a remarkable group of individuals whose collective actions deserve our thanks and admiration. We need to find the words to thank a teacher and to pay tribute to their actions and teacher motivation in the classroom, on the sports field, culturally and musically and probably most importantly, the guiding and nurturing role that they play on a daily basis in their students lives [14]. s boys and girls have also contributed to a most successful year. Through their actions they have shown motivation in the classroom and grasped the opportunities available to them with both hands. They have worked hard and played straight and they have been fine ambassadors to the School, their parents and most importantly - to themselves. are all destined to make choices and those choices do largely control our actions. We are most fortunate and grateful that School is filled with so many motivated people who make positive choices, which ultimately lead to so many meaningful and productive actions [15].

.2 The role of games on language lessons

offer students a fun-filled and relaxing learning atmosphere. After learning and practicing new vocabulary, students have the opportunity to use language in a non-stressful way. While playing games, the learners 'attention is on the message, not on the language. Rather than pay attention to the correctness of linguistic forms, most participants will do all they can to win. This eases the fear of negative evaluation, the concern of being negatively judged in public, and which is one of the main factors inhibiting language learners from using the target language in front of other people. In a game-oriented context, anxiety is reduced and speech fluency is generated - thus communicative competence is achieved [4]. Are also motivating. Games introduce an element of competition into language-building activities. This provides valuable impetus to a purposeful use of language. In other words, these activities create a meaningful context for language use. The competitive ambiance also makes learners concentrate and think intensively during the learning process, which enhances unconscious acquisition of inputs. Most students who have experienced game-oriented activities hold positive attitudes towards them. Students said that they liked the relaxed atmosphere, the competitiveness, and the motivation that games brought to the classroom. On the effectiveness of games, we reported that action research reported that their students seem to learn more quickly and retain the learned materials better in a stress-free and comfortable environment.benefits of using games in language-learning can be summed up in nine points [9].:

. learner centered. p align="justify"> promote communicative competence. p align="justify"> create a meaningful contex...

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