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She saw my smile and nodded cheerily.eyes tell me. nurse is trying to catch my eye.I saw his eyes twinkle.be talked over as if you were an object - Can he hear us? Do you think he understands?
`Yes. I gave him my recipe for bedtime tisane.
`It works, 'I assured him.
`I won« t tell a soul, » I promised.
«Oh, a rabbit. Of course. Armande gave me a sly wink.gave me another of those quizzical, mocking glances. `Does he know you» re a witch? she asked.eyes flicked towards Anouk who was still sitting at the counter with the tall chocolate glass in one hand.
Агенс про «єктніх відносін - агенс впліває на паціенс, Який є реальним об» єктом у просторі:
Then, reaching under the counter I pulled out a small pink box with a silver valentine bow on it. `Here. For you. My first customer. pushed the box into his hands.
`M« sieur le Cure! » For a second he turns back, and I press a small beribboned packet into his hands. `For you. On the house. My smile brooks no refusal, and he takes the packet with bemused embarrassment. `My pleasure. answering smile, but a nod, as of one businessman to another. The coin was warm and a little sticky. He took the packet with care.shook her curly head. `He« s a rabbit, » she said with cheery scorn. `Called Pantoufle. , Just as I was serving the last customer she raised her head in a kind of defiance and walked in.pats Charly «s head affectionately as he says it, and the dog gives his single, solemn bark.hand brushed mine like a cool breath . the counter I clench my fist in silent rage.IS OUR REST DAY. SCHOOL IS CLOSED AND, WHILE Anouk plays by Les Marauds, I will receive deliveries and work on this week »s batch of items.
Агенс впліву - агенс лагодити ТИСК на паціенс:
I preached with greater severity than usual this morning, though the congregation was small. Tomorrow I'll make them pay.
`Really, Madame, I« `Call me Vianne. And I insist. WEEK, MON PERE. THAT »S ALL IT« S BEEN. ONE WEEK. BUT it seems longer. Why she should disturb me so is beyond me; it »s clear what she is.
Агенс просторових відносін - агенс впліває на паціенс через просторові характеристики:
A black cat crossed my path and I stopped to dance around it widdershins and to sing the rhyme.ladies eyed everything, giggling like schoolgirls, hesitant, delighting in their collective naughtiness.looked into the display window this morning.tried not to look at the shelves of sweets: boxes, ribbons, bows in pastel colours, sugared almonds in gold silver drifts, sugared violets and chocolate rose leaves.from the doorway to receive the congregation I catch a movement from within. Try me. Test me. Taste me.sent them both away with valentine boxes and similar expressions of bemused pleasure.CUSTOMERS YESTERDAY. TODAY, THIRTY FOUR. Guillaume was among them; he bought a cornet of florentines and a cup of chocolate.
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`You« ll like them. They »re your favourite kind. thinks I tire yo...