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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

is narrowing of the material production, while the rapid growth of the industry knowledge. laquo ;, the foundations of the future society are not only and not so much in material Agey, but, according to Marx, on the other side of material production.technical revolution paves the way for the development of free individuality. They mark a stage characterized by personal relationships and dependencies, and according to acting as a negation of negation. Relations of personal dependency existed under the rule of the natural productive forces. They described this stage of human development, where the individual can develop only in a limited, local community, from which it depended.of personal independence, rule-based, signified a level of development when under the influence of the social division of labor is the separation of producers, and they are no longer in need of some form of naturally present or historical condition of collectivity, develop its scope. However, with the advent of World Affairs and universal needs develops a comprehensive process of objectification of the relations of production, alienating the quintessence of forces of the employee, turning them into an alien, dominant over him.personality mark phase harmonious unity of man and nature, self-control of humanity and its social forces, the intellectual progress of human civilization. Identity is as an end in itself of human development. At the same time, the identity is the main instrument of progress. Choosing the target, its achievements, as well as the direct labor process in post-industrial societies are not technological and humanitarian challenge. This leads to a high degree of autonomy of every individual, gives labor a truly free creative content. Now obviously the main markets: how has the corresponding type of person - the homo economics laquo ;, and the post-industrial society would be consistent with its own form of sociality is a free personality.industrial society-modern stage of socio-economic development, which entered the industrialized countries of the West and Japan in the last quarter of the 20th century Post-industrial the society has many other names :, information society, society laquo ;, tehnotronnoe society laquo ;, scientific civilization etc.industrialism-a new, higher stage of development compared to the stage of industrial society, which would come in its place. The main feature of the post-industrial society is the emergence of computer technological way of production, characterized by the production of wealth primarily through knowledge and information laquo ;. His Foundation is knowledge-intensive and resource-saving, the so-called high technology.include microelectronics, telecommunications, robotics, materials with predefined properties, biotechnology, etc. Information permeates all aspects of society: not only the production of goods and services, but also household, as well as culture and art.important feature of the post-industrial society, strengthening the role and value of the human factor. Changing structure of labour resources: the share of physical and mental labor is increasing the share of high-quality. Increasing investment in human capital: education and training, skills upgrading and retraining of workers. The post-industrial phase has a tendency to increase diversity and individualization of needs and demand.the structure of personal consumption is increasing the proportion of non-material needs, humanitarian nature: social, intellectual, and cultural. Departure from standardization, improve the quality of life lead to shifts in production. The role of small industries. The number of modifications to the same product or service. Relatively and absolutely growing sphere of production of intangible wealth and services.in the process of integration of socio-economic development. There is a new type of relationship between man and nature, in which the man is not as a conqueror, not as unthinking consumer benefits, as well as an organic part of the man-nature-society raquo ;. Post-industrial society, although it continued the forward solution of many critical problems industrialism, has not been able to overcome some of its contradictions (persistently high unemployment, demographic problems associated with ageing populations and increasing pressure on the working-age population, etc. ) .raises and new contradictions caused by expansion of mass manipulation, brainwashing him imposing false stereotypes and the emergence of new forms of computer-related crime.


the ancient world, people were gathering and hunting, using the products of their labor to meet own needs only. This organization is society, since there was no market exchange.Exchange started the first economic era - agrarian economy where people exchanged material products produced using manual labor.the advent of factories and ...

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