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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Practice of consideration of cases on protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens by the bodies of constitutional justice of the Russian Federation

Реферат Practice of consideration of cases on protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens by the bodies of constitutional justice of the Russian Federation

only legal, but also social. It is normal that ensuring the social rights must be an effective system of material guarantees.the border of XX-XXI centuries there has become actual the new problem - the necessity of entering the universal principles and norms of the international law in the legal systems in the newly formed states, the possibility of interference of UNO and other international organizations in legal disputes, conflicts, deciding of which earlier referred to domestic affairs of the given countries.accordance with the wordings, placed in the constitutions of some countries (Italy, Japan ) the refusal of the right to conduct by the state of the war as the sovereign right of the nations means the restriction of the state sovereignty. But sovereignty as the independence of the state power from any other power -either exists or not. Unlimitedness is impossible to be limited.state is absolute in its borders (to its citizens, being abroad). The expression of this absolute power is the possibility to create, reconstruct, and change the legal system.is necessary to note that the number of circumstances, influencing the law, comprise interstate relations, international situation as a whole. And even in those epochs, when the right of war and peace was considered the feature of the sovereign state, and the rights and freedoms were not always recognized, there was forbidden the trade slave, and afterwards slavery, piracy, and all states recognized the mode of free sea. the course of development of civilization, the general culture of mankind, extension of international relationship there was forbidden race discrimination, chemical, bacteriological and other types of weapons, threat of force and its application in international relations etc.realization of obliging or forbidding norms and principles of the international law means not more, than self-restriction of the state power, and it, requires the corresponding guarantees. Today all these guarantees are given to UNO and other international organizations.the same way there are settled legal disputes, conflicts, and there are taken decisions, which are solely domestic affairs.state is absolute within the framework of its borders. The expression of its absoluteness is the possibility to create and change its own legal system. And the list of circumstances influencing the law we should pertain the international relations (international situation as a whole).

The literature

legislation institution resolution

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