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Реферат Ballad: origin and development

, choosing events and situations from the most everyday life of simple people, to show or describe them whenever possible language to what these people speak actually; but at the same time by means of imagination to give it coloring thanks to which ordinary things will appear in unusual lighting ... raquo ;. A simple and bright example of that Wordsworth practically wanted to reach, the ballad Us Seven raquo ;, for which short-sighted critics also in the XX century is. fell upon the poet. Using the richest opportunities of the genre of the ballad and inexhaustible layers of a living spoken language, Wordsworth sought to move apart a framework of traditional poetry, to give it new psychological depth, to update an arsenal of its art means. Lyrical ballads played a huge role in development of English poetry of the XIX century.

6. The ballad in the history of the Russian poetry

less important place was taken by a genre of the ballad and in development of the Russian poetry, especially in the first third of the XIX century. Communications of the Russian literature of XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century with folklore are studied worse today, than interrelations of the Russian and the West European literatures. Therefore formation of a genre of the literary ballad in Russia - if it is also affected in researches - considered only as transferring on the Russian soil West European the ballad is exemplary. And after all tens and tens collections of the Russian national songs (or the mixed songbooks) published in the XVIII century were made not only M. Chulkov and N. Novikov, but also such poets, as well as. Dmitriyev, M. Popov and N. Lvov. As a rule, also the long way of development passed by the Russian literary ballad from (1791) NM Karamzin s Raisa to Lyudmila (+1808) VA is underestimated. Zhukovsky.most important line of searches of a ballad genre in NM Karamzin, II Dmitriyev, GP Kamenev, NF Ostolopov, NF Grammatik, MV Milonov s creativity consists that they sought for creation of the Russian national literary ballad, practically passing a stage of preliminary development of the European ballad experience already rich by then. However along with works of these writers ballads of VA were published. Zhukovsky and I.I. Kozlov considerably leaning on the West European samples; still keep the value of the ballad of K.F. Ryleyev and A.X. Vostokov trying to master more deeply the all-Slavic ballad; P. A. Katenin and late G.R. Derzhavin who are most enriched language of the ballads with spoken national language. At the accounting of all various context of development of the Russian literary ballad it becomes clear, why in AS Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, K.K. Pavlova, A.K. Tolstoy, N. A creativity. Nekrasov and other poets of the XIX century the literary ballad becomes an organic and integral part of history of the Russian poetry.of history of formation and functioning of the Russian literary ballad shows that its place at all not on the periphery of literary development and that she had to play quite noticeable role in historic - literary process. Unlike traditional poetic forms (the ode, the message) the appeal to a ballad genre quite often in itself already declared new tendencies in development of literature, the literary language and reflected new moods in the society. What by means of ballads - willows the first stage of ballads of Zhukovsky - in the Russian literature was approved such direction as romanticism is especially indicative. The world of subjective experiences of the human person for the first time so deeply and poetically opened to the Russian reader in ballads of Zhukovsky. One of participants of literary society Arzamas FF Vigel noted in the memoirs subsequently that Zhukovsky the ballads created to us new feelings, new pleasures. Here and the beginning of romanticism at us .the conditions of keen interest of the Russian readers of the beginning of the XIX century in the ballad, naturally, there was a question, what ideological and esthetic reference points it in herself bore. We will stop in this regard at least on one very indicative episode - polemic round the translations and interpretation of Lenora of the Burgher. The Russian ballad of Zhukovsky Lyudmila written according to author sa dung as Byurgerova Lenore s imitation was published in 1808 in the Bulletin of Europe magazine. The enthusiastic reception of Lyudmila at the Russian readers who saw outstanding work in the ballad was precisely explained subsequently with VG Belinsky in Article second (1843) about Alexander Pushkin s Compositions raquo ;: Society of that time unconsciously felt new spirit of creativity, the new world of poetry in this ballad - and society wasn t mistaken .VA. Zhukovsky, Russifying the ballad of the Burgher, considerably I weakened colloquial color of the German original,...

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