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Реферат Ballad: origin and development

I softened rough expressions and I strengthened a verse harmony. In Germany conscious Installation. A. Byurgera on a nationality in the 1790th years was treated as a connivance of roughness and a pro-hundred-nationality, and F. Schiller flayed poems of the Burgher in 1791. In Russia - chronologically one quarter of the century later - there was other situation: in the polemic developed in 1 816 after publication of the ballad of PA Katenin Olga (it was Russified, as well as Lyudmila laquo ;, but on spirit, as well as Lenora of the Burgher, is turned to national popular speech), the public opinion developed in favor of more democratic treatment of language and a plot. In the conditions of public rise in Russia in the first half of the 1820th years in literature and the literary critic there was a strong opposition of poetry and VA poetics. Zh ukovsky, reflected first of all in articles and AA Bestuzhev, V. K. K? Chelbecker and K.F. Ryleyev's letters. So p olemic about the ballad at a certain stage of historical development in Russia moved forward in the center of ideological and esthetic fight and from the especially literary turned into the public.of the Russian literary ballad only good that within this genre poets very various ideological and esthetic orientations successfully competed: AA Fet and N. A. Nekrasov, A.K. Tolstoy and I.S. Turgenev, K.K. Sluchevsky and A.A. Blok, I. Severyanin and M. Gorky. What inexhaustible well of poetic masterpieces! The publication of a complete collection only of the Russian literary ballad XIX-XX of centuries would demand many voluminous volumes.

7. Ballad role in art development

ballads of Europe are very bright example of what ways and how the world literature the thesis about which was put forward still by IV Goethe develops. Here play the mutual translations creating the general cultural base huge role: we will remind only of the translations of the Spanish romances, of a role of the transfers of Lenora of the Burgher for formation of a genre of the literary ballad in the different countries or of literally triumphal procession Serbian Hasanaginitsa across all Europe. The translations, in turn, are an important push for original creativity: we will remember Svetlana of VA. Zhukovsky or the poem Branch of Palestine of M. Yu. Lermontov cast by The old knight of L. Uland in translation of VA. Zhukovsky. Heine at all not incidentally called the poetic collection Romansero (1851) into Spanish of manners - in this collection consisting generally of ballads, it summed up tradition of development of the Spanish romance in Germany, having created at the same time and national, German, Romansero option - one of tops of the German poetry of the XIX century. So foreign-language, international poetic form becomes an integral part of national culture, enriches it (in other genre so bright synthesis represents West east sofa of Goethe) .appeal to experience of world poetry helps the poet innovator to find itself, it is better to realize that new that he is urged to bring in the literature and in the native language. So, young B. Brecht looked for a literary form and rebellious pathos of the well-known ballads - zong as in national poetic tradition (the folk street song, its literary reconsideration by F. Vedekind), and in world ballad literature (first of all in F. Villon and R. Kipling s ballads). The ballad viewing songs V. Vysotsky addressed to B. Brecht s experience and besides to Villon in the.European ballad already during a romantic era found almost unique ability to synthesis of national and foreign traditions, to a free exchange of plots, subjects, motives and forms. The ballad was a genre really international, constantly enriched from the most various national sources: legends, fairy tales, bylinas, historical and predatory songs, important public events and private incidents, local beliefs, superstitions and customs. The ballad arose for love of the poet to mysterious and wonderful (K. Pavlova s Fire or Dragon and A. Fet s Secret ), or from the public and moral motives turned as much to the mythologized history, how many and to the present ( Ilya Muromets of AK Tolstoy, Svyatogor and Ilya of IA Bunin), or even as the most topical political satire (NA Nekrasov s Secret raquo ;, laquo ; Croquet in Windsor of IS Turgenev or The ballad about the countess Ellen de Coursi M. Gorky) .become one of the most productive poetic genres of an era of romanticism, the ballad didn t disappear and with arrival of realism ; she easily joined symbolist, neo-romantic and expressionistic poetics, managed to take a noticeable place and in poetry of socialist realism ( The ballad about twenty six S. Yesenina, The ballad about nails and The ballad about a blue package of N. Tikhonov). The ballad was able to reflect the most difficult col...

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