any new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States [13].
linguistic analysis showed that the differences between American and British English is rather noticeable. However, the opinion about the significant differences between American and British English is just a myth. In fact, there are not so much differences. Sometimes it's hard enough to understand whether the book is written by American or British author. ... Individual lexical features in the speech of residents of various British dominions are not large enough to be able to talk about some dialects specific to a particular region: their grammatical structure and basic lexical fund fully coincide with the same basic components of the English national language in metropolis [2, p. 150].
Thus, in this paper we have proved the following.English is only a local one, and it is not a separate language. As it was shown in the work, American English has neither its particular vocabulary, nor its particular grammatical structure.general, for American English characteristically simplified spelling (eg, the elimination of redundant signs, the example eliminate exceptions to the rule). But at the same time, all these processes are carried out on the material of the English language.has been proven, that the role of meaning-difference is small, as the English version, which is spoken in the United States suitable for understanding to the British native speakers and vice versa., the differences between these two variants of language there are more and more every year .raises the question: what variant of the language is worth to study? And how to be aware of the latest trends in language? To the director of the Russian representation of the British school Language Link Dzhenski Robert, now we can talk about the emergence and consolidation of an average universal English, which absorbed the particularities of different languages. This is the international language .is, of course, easier for understanding. First, it is neutral in lexical coloring, and secondly, foreigners speak in English more slowly, they pronounce the sounds in isolation and they pronounce the words clearly. American English is more convenient in many Russian linguists and teachers, the correct language is the British language, more precisely, that part which is called the accepted standard (RP - received pronunciation). Correct English is required, by the way, and for understanding the other language variants, dialects and features. A person with a good classic English always be in demand and, if necessary, he will be able to regroup easy enough and get used to another language modification.
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