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Реферат Polysemy in the semantic field of movement in the english language

( spread ) To cause sth to move out in all directions ( spread ) To move into a place ( enter ) To cause sb/sth to move into a place/sth ( pierce, push ) To move into a building by force ( break in ) To move out of a place ( emerge ) To move to a different place/position ( shift, relocate ) To cause sb/sth to move to a different place/position ( shift, relocate ) To move sb/sth to a different place/position by holding and drawing them along, esp. with force ( pull ) To move sb/sth to a different place/position by holding/walking behind them and exerting force on them, esp. with one's hands ( push )

1.1.11. To not move any more ( stop )

1.1.11a. To cause sb/sth to not move any more ( stop )

1.2. Liquid

1.2.1. To move as liquid in a particular way ( flow ) To move slowly in small quantities ( drip ) To move quickly in large quantities ( pour ) To move out through an opening ( squirt ) To cause a liquid to move out through an opening ( squirt )

1.2.2. To move in/downwards below the surface of a liquid ( sink )

1.2.2.a. To cause sb/sth to move in/downwards below the surface of a liquid ( sink )

1.2.3. To move over liquid ( sail )

1.3. Atmosphere

1.3.1. To move through the air ( fly )

1.3.2. To move upwards ( rise )

1.3.3. To move downwards ( descend )

1.4. Land

1.4.1. To move in a particular way ( skulk, creep ) To move using one's feet ( walk ) To move quickly using one's feet ( run ) To move up and down using one's feet ( jump )

1.4.2. To move downwards to the ground ( fall )

1.4.3. To move one's body ( writhe, squirm ) To move one's body by raising it ( stand up ) To move one's body by lowering it ( sit ) To move a part of one's body ( raise, bend, lick )


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