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Реферат Механізм удосконалення прийняття рішень

1, pp. 842-855. p> 20. Milkman K.L., Rogers T., Bazerman M. (2008). В«Harnessing our inner angels and demons: what we have learned about want/should conflict and how that knowledge can help us reduce shortsighted decision making В». Perspectives on Psychological Science , Vol. 3, pp. 324-338. p> 21. Milkman K.L., Rogers T., Bazerman M. (2009). В«Highbrow films gather dust: time-inconsistent preferences and online DVD rentals В». Management Science , Vol. 55, pp. 1047-1059. p> 22. Moore D., Lowenstein G. (2004). В«Self-interest, automaticity, and the psychology of conflict of interest В». Social Justice Research , Vol. 17, pp. 189-202. p> 23. Moore D.A., Swift S.A., Sharek Z., Gino F. (2009). Correspondence Bias in Performance Evaluation: Why Grade Inflation Works (Working Paper 2004-E42) . Manuscript submitted for publication, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA.

24. Moran S., Bereby-Meyer Y., Bazerman M.H. (2008). В«Stretching the effectiveness of analogical training in negotiations: teaching diverse principles for creating value В». Negotiation and Conflict Management Research , Vol. 1, pp. 99-134. p> 25. Mussweiler T., Strack F., Pfeiffer T. (2000). В«Overcoming the inevitable anchoring effect: considering the opposite compensates for selective accessibility В». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , Vol. 26, pp. 1142-1150. p> 26. Nosek B.A., Greenwald A.G., Banaji M.R. (2007). В«The Implicit Association Test at age 7: a methodological and conceptual review В». In: Bargh J.A. (Ed.). Social Psychology and the Unconscious: the Automaticity of Higher Mental Processes . New York: Psychology Press. p> 27. Ritov I., Baron J. (1992). В«Status-quo and omission biasesВ». Journal of Risk & Uncertainty , Vol. 5, pp. 49-61. p> 28. Savitsky K., Van Boven L., Epley N., Wight W. (2005). В«The unpacking effect in responsibility allocations for group tasks В». Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , Vol. 41, pp. 447-457. p> 29. Shiv B., Fedorikhin A. (1999). В«Heart and mind in conflict: the interplay of affect and cognition in consumer decision making В». Journal of Consumer Research , Vol. 26, pp. 278-292. p> 30. Slovic P. (1969). В«Analyzing the expert judge: a descriptive study of a stockbroker's decision processes В». Journal of Applied Psychology , Vol. 53, pp. 255-263. p> 31. Slovic P., Fischhoff B. (1977). В«On the psychology of experimental surprisesВ». Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , Vol. 3, pp. 544-551. p> 32. Stanovich K.E., West R.F. (2000). В«Individual differences in reasoning: implications for the rationality debate В». Behavioral & Brain Sciences , Vol. 23, pp. 645-665. p> 33. Sunstein C.R., Thaler R.H. (2003). В«Libertarian paternalism is not an oxymoronВ». University of Chicago Law Review , Vol....

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