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Реферат Formation of group behaviour in the organisations

the power and means, having developed competent duty regulations and having balanced resources;

5. Discuss the first difficulties with orientation to revealing of their reasons;

6. Suggest group to qualify the activity constantly;

7. Stabilise, rally group, create a favorable climate, and then simulate crisis that people have learnt to resolve contradictions and conflicts (a problem demanding time, resources, confidence of approachibility of expected results and participation small, but the qualified group of psychology.

8. Develop collective decision-making. Authorship appropriate to group, however in group give due to everyone depending on its contribution;

9. Develop constant criteria of an assessment of works and follow them;

10. Conduct collective and public analysis of contradictions;

11. Support in group the main values: respect for everyone, an estimation under the contribution, orientation on positive in the person, publicity, democratic character, the account of specific features;

12. Open sense and the importance of work, a place and value of everyone in a common cause;

13. Decentralize the power and give full independence to all members of group (but do not forget about what it was told in item 4);

14. Encourage the initiative, exclude practice of search guilty. It is important to find the reasons and ways of elimination of errors;

15. Do not forget about constant improvement of professional skill and sensation of prospect for everyone;

16. All group problems resolve in common and publicly;

17. Give the constant information on achievements of everyone;

18. To all members of group grant the right freely to give any information, to express any opinions or doubts concerning any discussed question;

19. Appoint one member of group to a role the lawyer of a devil - the person who is protecting obviously wrong business or engaged pettifogging, discrepancies, doubtful positions, the errors, criticising made decisions from the various points of view. It helps to accept faster correct, for all comprehensible and comprehensively well-founded decision;

20. Listen to the various points of view and criticism also it is quiet, as well as that coincides with your point of view;

21. Separate efforts on generating of ideas from their estimation. At first collect all offers, and then discuss pluses and minuses of each of them.

Chapter 4. Potential of group and its productivity

Formation of potential of group is influenced by all its basic characteristics. But the special place among them is occupied with group norms. They are a core of all processes of group dynamics and directly are connected with productivity of potential both the group, and its each member and all organisation. The researches spent approximately at the same time by V. M. B...

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