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Реферат Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction

n in the unit. Vocabulary learning around a topic could begin from the learners rather than from the book, by asking them directly what words they already know and what words they would like to learn about the topic. For example, the book has a unit on wild animals. The teacher could write wild animals on the board and ask learners what they already know and which words they would like to know. The words are then written on the blackboard and translated into the foreign language.

Vocabulary learning strategies and young learners

В· Teachers can show how to find clues to the meaning of a new word in a picture or in other words in the same sentence

В· Teachers can teach the sub-skills needed to make use of strategies. For example, to use a dictionary efficiently requires knowledge of alphabetical order and lots of practice with it.

В· When reading a story, teachers can explicitly encourage prediction of the meanings of new words

В· Children can be helped to prepare lists of words they want to learn form a lesson, can be shown ways of learning form lists and later can be put in pairs to test each other.

В· Children can be helped to reflect on their learning process through evaluating their achievements. For example, at the end of a lesson they can be asked how many new words they have learnt, and which words they need to learn more about. Through regular self-evaluation, children can come to understand more about what they are learning and how. activities for developing vocabulary and forming concepts

. Word Puzzles

Crossword Puzzles are good because they work on the definition as well as the spelling. The puzzles should not be very long. <В 

. Riddles and puns

Riddles encourage critical thinking skills. For example, if the topic of the lesson is Weather , the teacher can use some riddles after introducing the key-words to help children memorize them. blow the clouds around and around, but you can't see me, I can't be found. (the wind) Sometimes I am big and fluffy and white and when rain is coming I am dark as night. (The sky) is full of holes, and holds water? (A sponge) is full at night and empty at daytime? (A bed) hand do you use to sit soup-the right hand or the left hand? (I use a spoon) many lions can you put in an empty cage? (One; after that, the cage is not empty) is a piece of wood like a king? (When it is a ruler) rais...

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