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Реферат Понятійні характеристики концепту "Надія" в англійській мові

. Dombey and Son). Captain Cuttle, like all mankind, little knew how much hope had survived within him under discouragement, until he left its death-shock. ( Dickens. Dombey and Son). Like a man who is born again to a wonderful, lively hope far exceeding the bounds of death. ( Lawrence. Women in Love). The last pale Hope that shiver d at my heart! ( Coleridge. Poetical works). And sickly Hope with waning eye was well content to droop and die. ( Coleridge. Poetical works).

Hope також іноді порівнюють з інфекцією - she said in a tone that prevented the hope from becoming too infectious ... Saki Reginald in Russia .

Важливою ознакою для концепту є ознака « цілісність». Ця ознака досліджуваного концепту означає завершеність, нероздільність. Fanny was all agitation and flutter - all hope and apprehension. ( Austen. Mansfield Park). One pang more blighting keen than hope betrayed. ( Coleridge. Poetical works). And his hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors. ( Shelley. Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus). His dearest vanities, ambitious hopes, had all been here. ( Thackeray. Vanity Fair). The sanguine hope of good, however, which the benevolence of her heart suggested, had not yet deserted her. ( Austen. Pride and Prejudice). The three students bowed very low, in the humble hope of making the impression of extreme good-breeding. ( Lawrence. Women in Love). That day so lately past, when from the crag I looked in such anxiety of hope. ( E.H. Porter Just David). She expressed an alarmed hope that he would not go very far away. ( Hardy. The Woodlanders). No fear of death will darken St. John s last hour: His mind will be unclouded, his heart will be undaunted, his hope will be sure, his faith stead fast. ( Ch. Bronte. Jane Eyre). A hope which, when it proved to be fruitless, she felt to have been highly unreasonable. ( Austen. Northanger Abbey). My future husband was becoming to me my whole world; and more than the world: almost my hope of heaven. ( Ch. Bronte. Jane Eyre). It is she who has tumbled my hopes and all my pride down. ( Thackeray. Vanity Fair). Even when I was afterwards, on due consideration, made sensible of my condition, how I was cast on this dreadful place, out of reach of human kind, out of all hope of relief. ( Defoe. Robinson Crusou). But he found, in reply to this question that Wickham still cherished the hope of more effectually making his fortune by marriage, in some other country. ( Austen. Pride and Prejudice). A terrible hope fluttered past him. ( Wild. The picture of Dorian Gray). I went on against trust and against hope. ( Dickens. Great Expectations). His sister helped him with a hundred now and then, but of cours...

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