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Реферат Event Marketing in Red Bull GmbH



. Event marketing

.1 Definition and meaning of event marketing

.2 Types of events

. Event Marketing in Red Bull GmbH

.1 Red Bull GmbH: facts and history

.2 Red Bull GmbH events


modern market develops rough rates, the huge number of advertizing falls daily upon the consumer from screens of TVs, from pages of newspapers and magazines, falls out on it of an air, and waits for it continually on city ??streets. The consumer is protected, ceasing to perceive an advertisement: switching the TV on commercial breaks, glancing over advertizing turns, rotating handles of radio stations. Traditional advertizing appears less and less effective. Producers of production look for exits in the different ways: inventing super original creative concepts, enticing the consumer gifts, setting on the intriguing advertizing. One of ways of overcoming of crisis - Event marketing - advance of goods or service by means of creation and the organization of the special events creating emotional communications between the consumer and a brand.marketing - event marketing (systematic organization of events as platforms of presentation of goods (service) in order that by means of emotional influence to make active attention of target group to goods (service) .special event - is not simple to draw a way attention of the consumer to your brand. Depending on a format and content of an event - there is this or that positioning of brand. And, there is it much more simply, more distinctly than by means of usual advertizing media (ATL) .in order that Event marketing brought serious return, it is necessary to build competently and consistently all process: from statement of the purposes and tasks to a choice of content of action and ways of its lighting. Only at such approach you taste all advantages of this method and you will be able providently to avoid shortcomings.aim of this work is to study in detail all the key aspects of Event Marketing.objectives are following:

to describe Event Marketing;

to study types of events;

to show Event Marketing using Red Bull GmbH example.

1. Event marketing

. 1 Definition and meaning of event marketing

marketing is a promotional strategy that involves face-to-face contact between companies and their customers at special events like concerts, fairs, and sporting events. Brands use event marketing entertainment (like shows, contests, or parties) to reach consumers through direct hand-to-hand sampling or interactive displays. The practice works because it engages consumers while they re in a willing, participatory position.successful event marketing campaign provides value to attendees beyond information about a product or service. A discount, free sample, charity alignment, or fun event will make customers feel like they are receiving a benefit and not just attending a live-action commercial.contrast to traditional advertising, which blasts millions of consumers with the same general television, radio or billboard message, event marketing targets specific individuals or groups at gathering spots, in hopes of making quality individual impressions.key to pulling off an effective event marketing campaign is to identify the target audience correctly and create an experience that remains in participants memories. By finding an opportunity to interact with the right demographic of people - both current customers and prospective buyers - a brand can build favorable impressions and long-lasting relationships. The best, most creative events create interactions that not only reflect positively on the brand at the time, but generate a buzz long after the event is over.long as a business is able to track and identify their target audience, they can find a way to appeal directly to them. For example, if a company sells sporting products, they can market at a sporting event. If they sell technology products, they can offer demonstrations of the latest and greatest technologies at a convention event.fact, any company that provides a product can give out samples, as long as it isn t illegal. Even companies whose products aren t able to be handed out as samples (like pharmaceutical companies or doctors offices) can provide interactive experiences to consumers. For example, a company that manufactures a medication for high blood pressure could set up a machine that takes blood pressure readings next to a booth supplying literature on their drug.marketing shouldn t take the place of traditional or community marketing, but should be a supplemental tactic to both. If a brand s national commercials feature a well-known mascot, for example, that mascot could mak...

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