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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

Реферат Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)



.1 Feasibility study

.2 Analysis of rolling stock LLC Otabeksupertrans »(LLC« Zhizzahavtotransservis )

.3 Organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock

.4 Feature routes LLC Jizzakhautotransservice and technical and operational performance. TECHNOLOGICAL PART

.1 Selection and justification of the initial data

.2 Calculation of the production program of maintenance

.3 Determination of daily programs by type TO

.4 Rationale and choice of MOT and car diagnostics

.5 Calculation of annual volume of work of the enterprise

.6 Calculation of the number of production workers

.7 Calculating the number of posts and lines maintenance and repair

.8 Calculation of the area

.9 Settlement areas of warehouse

.10 Calculation of the storage area rolling stock

.11 Definition of areas of support facilities. RESEARCH PART

.1 Optimal technology Body Repair

.2 Scheme selection process Body Repair

.3 Tooling bodywork section

.3 Flow chart for bus body repair ISUZU SAZ NP - 37ECONOMIC PART

.1 Calculation of capital cost

.2 Payment of current expenses

.3 Calculation of economic efficiency. HEALTH AND SAFETY

.1 security master plan and production building in body section

.2 Heating Safety in the workplace when the body work

.3 Analysis of harmful and dangerous production factors in body section. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT

.1 Reduction of toxic emissions car emissions by rationing

.2 Environmental protection in the MOT and diagnostics. CIVIL PROTECTION

.1 Fire safety

.2 Fire safety in the zone TO

any socio-economic system of transportation and communication are essential. For independent Uzbekistan with its huge concentration of raw materials and production resources, transport and communication complex creates prerequisites for economic development.55% of the volume of domestic passenger traffic in recent years, the country performs road transport. This mode of transport is no adequate substitute for the carriage of passengers on short and medium distances, the transport providing retail, manufacturing logistics, construction industry, agro, as well as small businesses.basis for policy maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport is scheduled preventive maintenance system and method for aggregate maintenance.is intended to maintain the car in good working condition and in a proper appearance, reduce the intensity of wear parts, prevention of failures and faults, and to identify them in order to timely removal. is prevention activities forcibly routinely runs at specific time or work vehicles.with defective units, nodes, links and details, which involve a threat to safety, should not continue to work or transport to be released on the line. Other faults affecting traffic safety and non-intensive wear or premature failure of parts can be removed after the completion of the transport operation within a removable or daily tasks.requirements of existing vehicles set Rules of technical operation of rolling stock and road transport Traffic Regulations. includes monitoring (diagnostic), fasteners, lubricants, filling, leveling, electrical and other work to be performed, as a rule, without disassembling the units removed from the vehicle and the individual nodes.periodicity, and the complexity of the list of works Car maintenance is divided into the following types: maintenance (DM); first maintenance (M - 1); second maintenance (M - 2); maintenance (SM) .includes oversight aimed at ensuring safety, as well as work to maintain proper appearance, refueling, oil and coolant, and for some types of rolling stock - sanitization body. DM is performed after the work on the motor company (MC) rolling line.and M - 2 include control (diagnostic), fixing, adjusting, lubricating and other activities aimed at the prevention and detection of faults, reducing the intensity of derating technical state of rolling stock, fuel economy and other operating materials, reducing the negative impact of cars on the environment.must ensure trouble-free operation units, components and systems for cars within the prescribed periodicities on the effects included in the mandatory list of operations.technical condition and durability of the car depends on the rules of operation (running a new car, his driving techniques, load and maintenance). The main reason for the deteriorating condition of the car is the wear of individual parts, assemblies, mechanisms, devices and assemblies. Depreciation can be divided into two groups: natural and premature.wear appear even with all the rules of operation, regulated by the manufacturer as...

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