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Реферат Linguistic ideas of von Humboldt and J.Herder

KAZAKH ABLAY KHAN UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGESof translation and philologydepartment of simultaneous interpreting


Theme: Linguistic ideas of von Humboldt and J. Herder


The claim of this work is to define the concept of the relationship between the language and thinking according to works of von Humboldt and J. Herder by learning w books, theories, definitions and opinions about the languageaim -of the work is to provide the reader with some material about works of the Great linguists, The Functions of Linguistic.- to get the information about origin of language.

1. Biography of von Humboldt and J. Herder

German Creator of General Linguistics and also diplomat, philosopher, and educational reformer Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767- 1835) and German philosopher, theologian, poet, and literary critic Johann Gottfried Herder (1744 - 1803) were the main scholars who tried to discover the etymology of language by connecting it with history and with spirit and character of nation. They thought that the individual character can be connected with others of certain nation, and thus the national character can be constructed. Humboldt investigated the language from a general point of view and Herder studied language as historic. The main contribution of these scientists is studying the language with thinking, with the nature, with history.

Johann Gottfried Herder was born in Mohrungen, East Prussia (now Morag, Poland), the son of a schoolteacher, Herder studied at the university of K? nigsberg for two years, where he began a lifelong friendship and correspondence with Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1787) and heard lectures by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), then a private lecturer, not yet famous or even a professor. In 1 764 Herder began a career as a Lutheran pastor, first at Riga (1764-1769), then at the court of Schaumberg-Lippe in B? Ckeburg (1771-1776), and finally at the court of Sachsen-Weimar in Weimar ( 1776-1803). Twice he nearly joined the theological faculty at the University of G? Ttingen, but in 1 776 when the Hanoverian court in London required that he submit to a test of religious orthodoxy, he opted to follow Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), wh om he had met in Strasbourg in 1770, to Weimar. In 1 789 the Weimar court promoted him as an inducement to decline G? Ttingen's offer. his travels in France and western Germany between his positions at Riga and B? ckeburg, Herder learned of the annual essay competition sponsored by the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin on the topic of the origin of language. The Academy had been debating the question for nearly twenty-five years, and in December of 1770 as he convalesced from unsuccessful eye surgery in Strasbourg, Herder dashed off an entry in advance of a 1 January один тисячі сімсот сімдесят одна deadline. He won the competition, and the academy published the essay, which inaugurated a prolific literary career.

The great German humanist Herder in the Study on the Origins of Language (1770) enters polemic with the theories existing in the 18th century a language origin: the theological theory of a divine origin of the human speech, the theory of an origin of language by the social contract and the mechanical materialism bringing language out of animal shouts. Herder considers language as the integral property of human consciousness, but at the same time, approaches it from the point of view of the historian. Herder considers as the task a language origin explanation from development of thinking as product of sincere abilities of the person" . Despite mistakes with the level of historical knowledge the 18th eyelid, Herder is considered as the founder of the first historical theory of language. His doctrine about communication of development of language with the development of thinking caused eventually by development of human society formed the basis of philosophy of language von Humboldt, H. Steintal and AA Potebni.

Herder s thesis, that the difference between humans and animals was language and that language was the vehicle of cognition, was not distinctly original. Others had pointed out that, since the orangutan possessed speech organs similar to those of humans but could not freely manipulate abstract concepts in the mind apart from what they represented in space and time, the seat of language had to be not in the mouth, but in the soul. The difference, argued Herder in Abhandlung ? Ber den Ursprung der Sprache (Essay on the origi...

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