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Реферат Linguistic ideas of von Humboldt and J.Herder

n of language), was in the purposes of man. The bee was a bee as soon as it built its first cell, he wrote, but a person was not human until he had achieved completeness. People continued to grow as long as they lived.... We are always in process, unsettled, unsatiated. The essence of our life is never satisfaction, rather always progression, and we have never been human until we have lived to the end.animals, children were uniquely vulnerable, but that weakness was by design. Children must learn to speak, and the family was the social unit charged with educating children in that most basic and essential of all human capacities-language. More than teaching a child language, the family also imparted the individual s sense of identity and made him or her part of a group. Herder took it as a natural law that man is by destiny a creature of the herd, of society. Raquo; Where Jean-Jacques Rousseau had said in ? Mile that the child had more to say to the mother than the mother to the child, Herder countered that by teaching children language, the family s manner of thinking and set of values ??were developed and preserved. The education of the human race occurred in the bosom of the family. Why does the mute child so weakly and unwittingly depend on his mother s breasts and his father s knee? So that he might be hungry for learning and learn language. He is weak so that his race may be strong. Laquo; The treasury of the family heritage was preserved through the family language. As the clan expanded into a tribe, it celebrated the deeds of its forefathers. All heroic poetry-Germanic, Ossianic, Homeric-was tribal, that is, familial, in origin.Herder Humboldt became interested in problems of an origin and genealogy of language, comparative studying of languages ??and their classifications and a role of language in development of spirit. Herder in the article About age of language wrote: Thanks to language the people gradually learned to think, and thanks to thinking they gradually learned to speak" . About Herder s philosophy of AV Gulyga provides VM Zhirmunsky's statement in work: ... Herder is the founder of the first historical theory of language. Its doctrine about communication of development of language with the development of thinking caused eventually by development of human society formed the basis of philosophy of language of V. Humboldt, Shteyntal, Potebni raquo ;.

Wilhelm von Humboldt was born in Potsdam on June 22, 1767. He studied law in Berlin at Frankfort-on-the -the-Oder and at Gottingen, and at the same time devoted equal attention to antiquities , esthetics and the philosophy of Kant. In 1789-90 he lived in Erfurt and Weimar, where a friendship commenced with Schiller continued without interruption till the poet's death. Brilliant education, origin and material security gave it the chance to communicate not only with monarchs and prominent politicians, but also with scientists, writers and poets including with Goethe and Schiller with whom it was in close friendship. A valuable memorial of his friendship with Schiller is the correspond ence between them. He was influential in developing the science of comparative philology.

In his essay ? ber das Studium des Klassischen Altertums (тисяча сімсот дев'яносто три) he summarized his program for educational reform, which was basically the program of German neohumanism. In Jena (1794-1797) he was a member of Friedrich von Schiller's circle.

After traveling through Spain and France, during which Humboldt became interested in philology, he was appointed Prussian resident minister in Rome (1802-1808) .was influenced by the educational principles of Johann Pestalozzi. As Prussian minister of education (1809-1810), he sent teachers to Switzerland to study Pestalozzi s methods, and he founded the University of Berlin (1809). Humboldt s ideas profoundly influenced European and American elementary education.

He also carried out research on the Basque language and suggested that the Basque language is the longest and most important. His philological works on Kavi, the ancient language of Java, published posthumously (1836-1840), were landmarks in their field. According to Humboldt, World history is the result of a spiritual force that lies outside of learning, which can not be understood from a causal point of view.ideal of Humboldt - all-round and harmonious development as persons, and all human race; to this ideal it remained is true and in the practical activities. The Berlin university founded by it Gumboldtov nowadays bears a name of brothers. Its ass essment as scientist and the citizen is given in the generalizing characteristic of the famous linguist of the XIX century Berthold Gustav Gottlieb Delbr? Ck: His high and uncondi...

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