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Реферат Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling &Harry Potter&

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«Кримський інженерно-педагогічний університет»

Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling «Harry Potter»



. The concept the fantasy genre

. 1 Signs of genre of fantasy

. The history of the novel Harry Potter

. Analysis and short the plot series of novels J. Rowling" Harry Potter

. Signs of fantasy and literary tale in the novel J. Rowling" Harry Potterof references


Potter. It is hard to imagine that someone had heard nothing about it. Has no idea about the book or the movie. On the contrary, this novel Joanne Kathleen Rowling filled book shelves and the hearts of the people. 1 996 showed that people and especially children stopped reading. Read only books that pupils have studied or in the case of youth and adult books that are needed for work and study. After Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone in 1997 was published, the statistics significantly decreased, children began to read. And not only they, Harry Potter has become an epoch, adults are also fans of this fantasy - literary fairy tale. Series of novels includes seven books that have become bestseller.

1. The concept the fantasy genre

(from Fr. Genre - genus), historically established tradition certified and thus inherited the collection of certain themes and motifs that are assigned to a particular art form, connecting them to each other recognizable feelings and thoughts. The concept genre implies continuity of perception: the reader, finding work in this or that particular scene, the scene, the characters behavior, relates it to any genre known to him, remembering old and learning a new familiar. In addition to sustainability and equity himself category genre has the opposite feature: it historically mobile, as well as the whole scale of artistic values. The boundaries separating literature from non-literature, as the boundary between the genre of genre, volatile, and the era of relative stability poetic systems alternate with periods decanonization to listeners. Any genre can borrow the specific features of other genres and significantly change its structure and appearance.- kind of fiction, based on the use of mythological and fairy-tale motifs. In modern form emerged in the early XX century. Great influence on shaping the face fantasy had John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, what is sometimes referred to as the Father of fantasy. Fantasy literature often resemble historical adventure novel, which takes place in a fictional world, close to real Middle Ages, whose heroes are faced with supernatural phenomena and beings. Often fantasy built on archetypal stories. [1, p.505] usually include general term fiction raquo ;, there also includes science fiction and other genres and trends (social science fiction, alternate history, etc.). Question the relationship between science fiction and fantasy is not resolved until now.the one hand, and then, and more combined into a single concept of fiction and is perceived as its modification. On the other hand, fantasy clearly opposed to that literature which conventionally designated science fiction. Raquo; Western researchers, and in recent years the majority of domestic and perceive fantasy as a special genre, separating it from the literature of dreams, literature horror, literary tales, mysticism.science fiction, fantasy does not seek to explain the world in which the action occurs works, from the point of view of science. The world exists in the form of a certain assumptions (often its location relative to our reality does not discussed: whether it is a parallel world, or another planet), and its physical laws may differ from the realities of our world. In such a world can be real existence of the gods, magic, mythic creatures (dragons, gnomes, trolls), ghosts and any other fantastic entities. At the same time, the fundamental distinction of miracles fantasy from their fabulous counterparts is that they are the norm described the world and work systematically, as the laws of nature. fantasy - it s also a genre in film, painting, computer and board games. Such genre versatility especially distinguishes fantasy with elements of Chinese martial arts. [7, p.78]

. 1 Signs of genre of fantasy

of genre of fantasy:

. A world that does not exist; it has properties that are not possible in our reality. For example, the sorcerers world, created by J.K. Rowl...

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