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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling &Harry Potter&

Реферат Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling &Harry Potter&

ing's Harry Potter - School of witchcraft and wizardry Hogwarts raquo ;, Diagon Alley raquo ;; village of wizards.

. Magic and folk characters as necessary. For example, will suit almost any product of fantasy.

. Adventure story (as a rule - search, journey, war and so on).

. Medieval ambiance, although there are possible options: Ancient World (GL Oldie, The hero must be one where the action takes place in ancient Greece), modernity (Lukyanenko Night Watch ) or future (Christopher Stasheff, The Enchanter Mr. Deeds ); This feature although there often, but not determinative.

. Latent opposition of technology and magic in favor of the latter.

. At the forefront of the characters, their actions and experiences, magical and fantastic plays a supporting, but not a secondary role.

. Confrontation between good and evil as the main plot-rod for fantasy required a struggle between good and evil - because this struggle, like a fairy tale, is epic structure. Raquo; Fantasy is different from a fairy tale. Good and evil are equal in it, and in the tale good wins without a loss.

. Presence the other world and its manifestations.

. Complete freedom of the author: he can turn the plot in unexpected ways, as the magical world of fantasy suggests that it may all .. This last feature - one of the most important determinants. He clearly distinguishes fantasy and science fiction because science fiction describes probable, and constrained by certain limits. He is forced to explain the incredible, justify scientific or pseudoscientific (which often happens). [7, p.80]

2. The history of the novel Harry Potter

The main part series about Harry Potter is a set of seven books. Books from the first to the sixth talk about each respective year of study Harry Potter magic school Hogwarts and what is happening in the course of training combat awakening magician-villain Volan - de - Mort and his henchmen. In the seventh book learning magic it entirely devoted to the preparation of Harry and his friends to the final battle with Volan - de - Mort and most of this battle.of novels consists:

. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone - +1997

. Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets - +1998

. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - +1999

. Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire - 2000

. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 2003

. Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince - 2005

. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 20071990, JK Rowling was on a crowded train from Manchester to London when the idea of ??the Harry Potter series, according to the writer, suddenly fell on his head. Raquo; Rowling later told about it on your website:

I wrote almost continuously since six years, but I ve never been so excited about an idea before. I just sat and thought for four hours (due to tardy trains), and all the details were seething in my brain, and this thin, dark-haired boy with glasses who did not know he was a wizard, became for me more and more real. upon arrival, Rowling began to write the book. Most often she did it in her favorite cafe in Edinburgh. Rowling completed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer s Stone in 1995 and sent the manuscript to several promising literary agents. Her interests began to represent agent Christopher Little, he sent the manus cript to the publisher «Bloomsbury». After eight other publishers had rejected Harry Potter and the Sorcerer s Stone »,« Bloomsbury »offered Rowling a? 2,500 advance for the publication of the novel. Despite Rowling statement that she did not have in mind any particular age group, when she started writing the Harry Potter books, the publisher initially hoped for a children s audience aged from nine to eleven years. In anticipation of the publication of Rowling s publishers asked her to put on the cover of more gender-neutral nickname, fearing that the male members of this age group will not be interesting to read a novel, if they know that it is written by a woman. The writer decided to use the name Joanne Kathleen Rowling (born Joanne Kathleen Rowling), using her grandmother s name as a middle name. Because Rowling has no second name. novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone was published on 30 June 1997, the publishing house Bloomsbury raquo ;, which released later on all the books in the series in the United Kingdom. The output of the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets raquo ;, was held on 2 July 1998. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of...

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