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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The motivation as training to foreign language

Реферат The motivation as training to foreign language



I. Theoretical part

.1 Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan

1.2 Definition of motivation

II. Practical part

2.1 Motivation in the Classroom

2.2 The role of games on language lessons

.2.1 Examples of some games and activities

.3 Student Motivation




Many nations have addressed the need to produce graduates who are multilingual in the effort to compete in the global society. study investigated Kazakhstan students motivation to learn a foreign language. topical of this research caused by recognize of role of motivation in training to foreign languages, that s why supplying this, the aim of our course paper is to give theoretical argumentation for the importance of motivation and give practical recommendations. In accordance with the main aim it was necessary to solve following problems:

1. research materials by given theme;

2. to use it in practice;

. to make conclusion by given theme.

Our objective of the research will be determined whether it is proper to regard the motivation as training to foreign language.

The object: the process of teaching a foreign language

The subject: role of motivation in teaching a foreign language.

We consider that the novelty of the work is concluded in new materials of the linguists, which were published in the Internet. The novelty of our work is concluded in the fact, that we had worked out some games and activities, which we had approbated on English language lessons during our pedagogical practice.

The theoretical and practical meaning of the research consists in usage of motivation to teach foreign languages. At the same time they can be used in practice of reading in higher educational institutions and in high school courses as a teaching method.

Fields of amplification: The present work might find a good way of implying in the following spheres:

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