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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Criminal law

Реферат Criminal law

y"> · If sex-related topics are completely censored it becomes difficult to teach children and teenagers about the dangers of HIV / AIDS.

· Freedom of speech is compromised.

· It prevents the free flow of ideas.

· It may intrude on the privacy of a person.

· Withholding of information only leads to ignorance in the society.

· Censoring of information may lead to a wrong image perceived by the public.

· It is generally associated with dictatorship.

· Censorship has been misused in the past.

· It is a force against globalization.

· It works against creativity.

· If you hide something from people they will become extra curious about it.

· It has no place in a truly democratic society.

· It gives rise to and hides human rights abuses.

· It is used to control people.

· There can be different standards of morals among different societies quite different from the imposed ones by the censorship.

· Governments should not control people. It should be the other way round.

· Individuals have different tastes.

· People have a right to know.properly, censorship serves as a valuable tool. However, it can also be easily misused. Governments and other regulatory institutions must learn to use it judiciously. Children and TVhave been more than 2,300 studies and reports on the effects of television on American society. Most of them show that these effects are mainly negative. Researchers have been especially concerned about children. In the past decade, researchers have had children participate in numerous studies. They had children watch television intensively for three weeks. The results showed a drop in the children «s creativity. The researchers concluded that television makes the children lose some of their creativity.can »t get children to pay attention for any length of time because today« s children want everything to be as fast and entertaining as TV. Dr Benjamin Spock, an expert in child raising, once complained that he couldn »t get his grandchildren to leave the TV set when he wanted to take them to the zoo. Some of today «s children are so addicted to TV that nothing else interests them. Parents have to make them turn off the TV and go out to play or read a book. They can »t get them to do these traditional childhood activities without having an argument over the TV.

Although most of these studies have shown the negative effects of television, some sociologists argue that television has become a part of our lives. They do not think that parents should make their children limit the amount of TV that they watch to one or two hours a day. They believe that parents should let their children decide for themselves what and how much they want to watch.most studies show the negative effects of television, there are also some important positive influences. There are many excellent educational programs, especially for children. Some schools have children watch certain programs in the classroom. They often get them to watch worthwhile programs at home by encouraging them to d...

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