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Реферат Навчання пошуковому читання на різних етапах навчання

. She was stern to me, but she taught me what the world is forgetting, the difference that there is between what is .... She allowed of no .... I allow of ....

. The men want to know if they are to put the .... on the terrace for to-night, my lady?

. I am afraid that good people do a great deal of .... in this world.

. Most women, for instance, nowadays, are rather ... ..

. Do you think that there should be the same .... for men as there are for women?

. The most .... people seem to go everywhere. They certainly come to my parties - the men get quite .... if one does not ask them.

. Our husbands would really forget .... if we did not nag at them from time to time, just to remind them that ....

. Nowadays to be intelligible is to be ....

. Ah! you are beginning to reform me. It is a dangerous thing to .... Lady Windermere.

. Many a woman has a past, but I am told that she has at least ...., And that they all ... .6. Translate the word. Find the sentence from the story where the word was used and read it: a) Speculation, sacrament. b) Temptation. c) Exceptions.) Wicked. e) Trivial.7. Do people in high society must pretend, must conform to the social norm in order to maintain their position? Give the reasons from the text.8. Виберіть правильну відповідь (перевірте по тексту). Test. Circle the correct answer.

. The dance at Lady Windermere s home is in honor of: a) Her wedding. b) Her son s birth. c) Her anniversary. d) Her birthday.

. Lord Windermere claims that Lady Windermere's refusal to accept Mrs. Erlynne will: a) End their marriage. b) Ruin Mrs. Erlynne. c) Destroy their chance of being accepted by Mrs. Erlynne. d) Ruin them.

. Lady Windermere claims that people do not rule life, but rather: a) Life rules people. b) People rule only themselves. c) People rule one another. d) Life tricks people.

. The Duchess first heard the rumor about Lord Windermere from: a) Her daughter. b) Her nieces. c) Parker. d) Dumby.

. Lady Windermere says she believes: a) Her husband is untrue to her.) Her husband is true to her. c) Her husband and Mrs. Erlynne are good friends.) Her husband doesn t know Mrs.Erlynne.

. Why does not Lord Windermere explain his reasons for spending time with Mrs. Erlynne? a) He wants to make a surprise to her. b) The shame would kill Margaret. c) He doesn t spend time with Mrs.Erlynne. d) Margaret would divorce with him.

. If Mrs. Erlynne comes to her home, Lady Windermere claims she will :) be very glad to see her. b) go away. c) strike her across the face with her fan. d) tell her to go away immediately.

. Lord Darlington claims he can resist everything but: a) temptation. b) speculation. c) vanities. d) compliments.

.When Lord Darlington learns it is Lady Windermere's birthday, he says :) He would have covered the whole street with flowers. b) He would have covered the whole street with fruits. c) He would have covered the whole street with jewelry. d) He would have covered the whole street in gold.

. Lady Windermere does not approve of Darlington's flattery because shehe is: a) Ironic. b) In love with another woman. c) Insincere. d) Irritating.

. What does Lady Windermere believe about her mother? a) That she would some day return to Lady Windermere. b) That she died when Lady Windermere was a child. c) That she left Lady Windermere when she was a child. d) She knows nothing about her mother.9. Find English equivalents to the following expressions relating to appearance, character, feelings and emotions:

1.Самодовольние люди (Сonceited people).

2. Якщо чоловік надходить підло, дружині теж потрібно вчинити також? (Because the husband is vile - should the wife be vile also?)

3. Люди або чарівні, або нудні (People are either charming or tedious).

4. Ви вдаєте безвольним, це зараз модно (You have the modern affectation of weakness).

5. Я не стану вас знайомити з дочкою, ви занадто зіпсована людина (I will not let you know my daughter, you are far too wicked).

. Як ви порочні! (How thoroughly depraved you are!).

7. Просто несерйозно! (So ??trivially!).

. Недолугий братик (Disreputable brother).

. По вуха закоханий в неї (He is completely infatuated about her).

10. Про те, що її приймають в суспільстві, не може бути й мови (She is absolutely inadmissible into society).

. Дуже вже він був вразливою (He was so ex...

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