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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

further invention and proliferation of machines, have begun the industrial age, which was used to power machinery. The main achievements of this time-division of labor, pipeline, mass production (approximately from mid - 18th to mid - 20th century)., The man is currently the only tool to create and deploy into production innovation. With the advent of artificial intelligence raquo ;, you can expect the, when there would be no need to make decisions at a time of limited resources, and this task will be able to deal with the beginning of the 21st century some scholars link the offensive creative economy in which information processing would be transferred onto computers, and the person will remain as the creator of the innovation. This is the so-called fourth wave .life of mankind can be arranged in different ways. These differences manifest themselves in the most economic decision making methods and the type of ownership of the main types of resources. Humanity knows four types of economic systems: traditional market, command and mixed.market system, the system assumes that the device of the economic life of society, in which all economic resources are privately owned, and all decisions are made in the relevant markets. These markets are not restricted or regulated.economic system like that of the command system is to eliminate private ownership of factors of production and its replacement at the State-owned property. The main economic issues are public administrations and are implemented using binding orders and plans. For the State to regulate all aspects of economic life of the society, including the setting of prices and wages. The poor functioning of such a system is associated with loss of interest of people to work and assessing its results on formal criteria, which may not coincide with the real needs of society.system such as mixed a combination of private ownership of most of the limited economic resources in the public domain. The State participates on key economic issues than by plans and by centralizing the before part of economic resources. These resources are allocated in such a way as to offset some of the weakness of the market mechanisms.legislative environment, its excessive motility, low efficiency breed mistrust of citizens to the law, leading inevitably to its violations, ranging from the concealment of the proceeds to organized crime. Economic failures are related primarily to the institutional crisis, which means that the State, becoming the main economic agent has created monstrous in scale and corrupt public bureaucracy, which is force actually ignores the existence of the rest of the population.

List of literature

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd , № 12 May 2008.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 10 October 2019.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 7 August 2010.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 21 May 2011.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 19 October 2010.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 34 February 2011.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 2 March 2010.

. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group (magazine), The Economist Newspaper Ltd raquo ;, № 17 June 2010

. Friexas X._ Rochet J-C. Macroeconomics of banking. 2 007.

. Romer D. Advanced Macroeconomics. 2 009.

. Higgins_Analysis for Financial Management, 2011

. Lindy Edwards How to Argue with an Economist raquo ;, 2010.

. Farmer Macroeconimics raquo ;, 2009.

. Mark N. International Macroeconomics and Finance , 2 010.

. Mankiw Macroeconomics raquo ;, +2008.

. Snowdon Vane Modern Macroeconomics raquo ;, 2006.

. Straubт The Agile Manager's Guide to Understanding Financial Statements raquo ;, 2011.

. Wachtel P. Macroeconomics raquo ;, +2009.

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