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. # "justify"> 4. # "justify"> Додаток
unit Unit1;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Spin,, ComCtrls, ToolWin, Series, Math, ImgList, AppEvnts; _Risk_or_Profit = class (TForm): TToolBar;: TStatusBar; _Input_date: TStringGrid; _Correlation: TStringGrid; _Input_count: TSpinEdit;: TChart;: TMainMenu;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TMenuItem;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TButton; _Risk_or_Profit: TRadioGroup;: TLabel; _Risk_or_Profit: TEdit;: TButton;: TLabel; _Result: TStringGrid;: TLineSeries;: TLineSeries; : TButton;: TOpenDialog;: TSaveDialog;: TEdit;: TLabel;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TToolButton;: TApplicationEvents;: TImageList; NReadyPortfolioClick (Sender: TObject ); NExitClick (Sender: TObject); FormCreate (Sender: TObject); SG_Input_dateKeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); SG_CorrelationKeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); E_Risk_or_ProfitKeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char ); SE_Input_countChange (Sender: TObject); BClearClick (Sender: TObject); BCalculationClick (Sender: TObject); Graph; Get_Date: boolean; BDrawGraphClick (Sender: TObject); SG_CorrelationSelectCell (Sender: TObject; ACol,: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); SG_CorrelationMouseUp (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); SG_CorrelationExit (Sender: TObject); NOpenClick (Sender: TObject); NSaveClick (Sender: TObject); NAboutClick (Sender: TObject) ; ApplicationEvents1Hint (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations}; myarray = array [1 .. 100] of real; = array [1 .. 100,1 .. 100] of real; _Risk_or_Profit: TForm_Risk_or_Profit;: integer;, BE, BM, deviation_of_stocks: myarray;, E, B1, E1: myarr;, ebe, mbm, ebm, x, mbe: real;, risk : real; _of_stocks, SelectedRow, SelectedCol: integer; Unit2, UAboutMe;
{$ R *. dfm} TForm_Risk_or_Profit.NReadyPortfolioClick (Sender: TObject); i, j: integer; _Risk_or_Profit. Visible: = False; _for_ready_portfolio.SE_Input_count. Value: = SEValue; _for_ready_portfolio. Show; i: = 1 to SEValue do_for_ready_portfolio.SG_Input_date. Cells [i, 2]: = SG_Input_date. Cells [i, 1]; _for_ready_portfolio.SG_Input_date. Cells [i, 3]: = SG_Input_date. Cells [i, 2]; j: = 1 to SEValue do_for_ready_portfolio.SG_Correlation. Cells [i, j]: = SG_Correlation. Cells [i, j];;;; TForm_Risk_or_Profit.NExitClick (Sender: TObject);;; TForm_...