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Реферат Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

/span> notion and significance . relationship between the concept and the meaning of the word that is the significance is part of the relationship between linguistic and nonlinguistic knowledge, conceptual and lexical-semantic information.phenomena - the concept and the significance - are of cognitive nature, both are the result of reflection and understanding the reality of the human mind. However, the significance and the concept are the products of different kinds of consciousness ie the conceptual and linguistic.researchers noted that just like the notion, the concept is not equal to the significance: the concept is a unit concept sphere and the significanceis a unit of semantic space of language.For an explication of the concept it is usually required multiple lexical units, which means that we need many values. The significance and the concept are correlated as communicatively relevant part and the entiremental.and psychologists of the functional orientation believe that a child acquires and adds concept system during its life on the basis of language and its own interaction with the environment through the senses. Conceptualization is the process of socialization of the child.to which the individual is immerse as theprocesses of conceptualization is creating the network of material and spiritual levels and determining assessments, norms, values, human livelihoods in a particular cultural and social environment. Language and cultural identity in the process of conceptualization are determined essential and mutuall. The concept is a major cultural center in the mental world of man through which the person penetrates into the culture and impacts on it.

PART II. Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

display of nature, including its wildlife, in phraseological images associated with more traditional pre-Christian times, when people felt themselves as a part of nature and the very nature personified, endowed representatives of flora and fauna qualities inherent for a man. So over the years in the minds of the different cultures have formed various stereotypes, different ideas about the flora and fauna that we can see from the examples of folk art: fairy tales, proverbs, sayings etc .. It also appeared in phraseological units, which include the names of flora and fauna, with their inherent human qualities either it is diligence or fidelity, laziness, cunning. These phraseological units have received the name of animalism or zoon.Geographic and cultural distance of language regions contributes to the uniqueness of many imaginative and emotive understanding of animals. The nature and content-oriented emotive associations often determined not by the properties of animals and its

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