ustify"> life but in the national folklore and mythological and literary contexts. s consider some representation which receives some animals. For example, the value associated with a fox in compared languages ​​ ?? shows the same direction - this animal is associated with cunning and deceit (in Ukrainian - стар ий лисиць, Хитрий лис; in English-sly as a fox; to play the fox). The wolf symbolizes cruelty, ruthlessness (злий, як вовк, вовком дивиться; to throw someone to the wolves). In English, the image of the wolf becomes humorous connotations of ladies 'man (only in the American version): Wolf-Whistle is men s favorable whistle with the advent of an attractive woman. However, in the minds of Ukrainians wolf has respectful connotations in the case of their use in a figurative sense - В«людина, что багатая пережила, загартована життямВ» - in English - the old wolf, fired wolf, sea wolf.Bear in both languages ?? is important both in positive and in negative connotation. The Bear is called strong man: to be a bear punishment (буті витривалости), В«великий, як ведмідьВ», В«дужий , як ведмідь В». It can also be clumsy person (В«як ведмідь у танціВ»), or crude and tasteless ( the one who plays the bear ). Lion in the British outlook was extremely positive association, because for centuries it is the national emblem and symbol of Great Britain what is reflected in the political metaphor to twist the Lion's tail , ieto affect the interests of England. It is associated with strength and courage lion-heanted - courageous, steadfast.animalism monkey in both languages ​​ ?? takes the meaning of a poser and grimacer: В«мавпуватіВ», to ape , to play the ape , to monkey . In the Ukrainian consciousness monkey s association is followed by comparing the appearance of animals and humans, hence people often call an ugly person - monkey (in terms of appearance). turtle in both languages ​​ span> ?? is assoc...