ks to the second-person addressee with a marked familiar immediacy using such emotive expression as you may like to know . It is as if he is talking to somebody in his presence who knows who he is. Since no second-person addressee is identified in the text, the reader assumes that position. But of course, the reader does not know who he is and so has to somehow construct his identity on the indirect evidence of what he says. However, it should be noted that the extra-linguistic features always find their realizations in linguistic features. While analyzing the extra-linguistic features of autobiography, the following statement should be taken into account.is a specific genre which includes such situational aspects as:
В· An activity, that is, the specific social activity or activities in which the participants, in this case the writer and the reader of the autobiography are engaging; activities are , in turn, made up of sequence of actions.
В· A material aspect, that is the place, time, bodies and objects, presented during interaction, which is the autobiographical text decoding process. p>
В· A socio-cultural aspect, that is, the personal, social, and cultural knowledge, feelings, values, identities, and relationships relevant in the interaction, including, of course, socio-cultural knowledge about sign systems, activities, the material world, and politics, ie all the other aspects above.these extra-linguistic features together constitute an extra-linguistic system, within which extra-linguistic components or aspects simultaneously give meaning to linguistic features. (P. Verdonk 10) the autobiography is a narrative about oneself, it naturally follows that the author is free to impart his/her emotions and feelings while writing the story of his/her life. It goes without saying that the reader takes an immediate part in sharing this kind of information with the writer, the intimacy between the reader and the writer reaches its highest point, especially in autobiographic genre.autobiographical narratives, the use of the linguistic features is preconditioned by extra-linguistic ones. The process of sharing information, for the purpose of giving the reader more detailed information about his/her life, can be influenced by various extra-linguistic features as well., Being another factor necessary for the reader-writer interaction is an extra-linguistic feature but it should be noted that it has its realizations in linguistic features, which are mainly modal verbs; such as should/would . For example, - My early readiness in learning to read, and the opinion of all his friends, that I should certainly make a good scholar. (B. Franklin, 3).