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Реферат Autobiography studying

self, no other textual category, like modality can be of that frequent use. With the help of different expressive means the author actualizes the modal meaning, the autobiography contains. To sum up the analysis of the linguistic features in autobiographical genre, we are convinced that these retrospective texts or as we have called them personal narratives are not limited to only those features. So we will also consider the extra-linguistic ones, which are of no less importance than the linguistic ones.connected to linguistic features are the extra-linguistic ones, which are of a great interest for this thesis paper.this paper the term extra- linguistic will refer to the factors, which don t depend on linguistic phenomena. extra-linguistic features are much complex notions since they may include any number of text-external features influencing the language and style of a text. settings of the narrative, the process of sharing information, feelings, themes, situations, the attitude of the writer, his/her personal opinion are all described as extra-linguistic features used in autobiographical narrative. this point, we should distinguish between two types of features: linguistic and extra-linguistic features. Linguistic features refer to the surrounding features of language inside the text, like the typography, sounds, words, phrases, and sentences which are relevant to the interpretation of other such linguistic elements. extra-linguistic features are a much complex notions since they may include any number of text-external features influencing the language and style of a text. In autobiography, the writer, consciously or not, is influenced by a wide variety of contextual factors such as; type of readership, the writer s expectations of the reader < span align = "justify"> s knowledge, anxiety, the writer s creative talent, attitudes, and briefs; the writer s expectation that the inter-textual allusion will be picked up by the reader, and last but not least, the writer s assumption that autobiography readers have a general knowledge of the social function and stylistic conventions of the text. If one thing has become obvious from this long, but still incomplete list of extra-linguistic factors, it is the fact that conscious or unconscious choices of expression which create a particular style are always motivated, inspired, or induced by contextual circumstances in which both writers and readers are in various ways involved. (JP Gee 5) extra-linguistic features can also be regarded the knowledge of the given information by the reader. As the reader cannot be completely included into the text, the effect is always ambivalent. The use of certain linguistic devices presupposes the reader s presence in the context of the story. The narrator tal...

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