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Реферат Specificity exchange market

system of social reproduction. On the other - capital represented in the form of securities. It is this double real capital called fictitious capital and having a special movement of the circuit is the actual capital, as a specific item, and calls on the Stock Exchange.listing on the stock exchange may only securities that are listed, ie satisfy certain requirements of the Securities of the Stock Exchange. In different markets, there are different criteria for the admission of securities to quotation. This is the legal status of the securities, the degree of market capitalization, the minimum number of shares, the methods of distribution of shares from shareholders, etc. This may take into account such informal moments as the significance of the national economy, its position in the industry, stability and economic stability, etc.of the currency exchange.currency market is a system of economic relations, which is the implementation of the operations on purchase and sale of foreign currency and foreign exchange operations to invest capital. It is the foreign exchange market is a coordination of interests of buyers and sellers of currency values. Currency Exchange - is an element of infrastructure currency market, whose activity is to provide services for the organization and conduct of the auction, during which the participants enter into foreign exchange transactions. At the stock exchange buying and selling is free of national currencies based on the exchange rate relations between them (quotes), the emerging market driven by demand and supply. This type of exchange has all the classic elements of trading. The quotation in the currency markets depends on the purchasing power of the exchangeable currencies, which in turn is determined by the economic situation in the countries of the issuers. Transactions in foreign exchange markets based on the convertibility of currency exchanged for them. Currency convertibility - is the ability to exchange currency of one country for the currency of other countries and internationally recognized means of payment. A distinction is freely convertible, partly convertible and non-convertible currency. Freely convertible currencies can be no limitations on foreign exchanged cash equivalents in all types of operations, and they can serve as reserve currencies (US dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, British pound, Canadian dollar, etc.). Partially convertible currency - the currency of the countries that retain some of the restrictions on foreign exchange transactions in the country and abroad. Non-convertible (closed) currencies referred to the currencies of countries where prohibitions (or severe restrictions) on the operation of its exchange for other currencies. Convertibility regime is defined by law and established by the state. Countries that are members of the International Monetary Fund, may change the mode of the convertibility of the national currency only in agreement with the Fund. The task is to identify the exchange of market prices for foreign exchange. In this task, Exchange performs the functions: and regulation of stock prices. Exchange is involved in the formation and regulation of commodity prices. The concentration of supply and demand on the stock exchange, the conclusion of a large number of transactions is largely exclude the impact of non-market factors on the price, make it as close to the real supply and demand. Focusing on the exchange of buyers and sell...

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