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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Specificity exchange market

Реферат Specificity exchange market

ers, massive exchange transactions and their extent due to the fact that the transactions are made in large amounts in foreign currency, making rate fixed by the Exchange, the most representative market price of the currency. She, in turn, is taken into account in transactions in the futures market. As a result, stock prices in the currency of the function of pricing. In addition, foreign currency exchange exercise all or most of the functions:

. material logistics of trading; 2. Selection of participants of trading in accordance with the criteria established by the exchange to take account of the financial condition of the person and its business reputation; 3. The development of rules of imprisonment and execution of transactions; 4. Monitoring compliance with these rules and legislation 5. Including the authority to impose sanctions and the application of preventive measures (suspension of trading, suspension of individual participants, etc.); 6. Development of legal and financial mechanisms to ensure fulfillment of the obligations arising from exchange transactions; 7. Dissemination of information on prices that are emerging as a result of trading, and the number of transactions; 8. Reduction claims the opposite direction, causing the transaction consists; 9. Identification and consideration of the mutual obligations of bidders; 10. Implementation of the settlement of obligations arising out of transactions entered into by exchange members. exchange acts as an intermediary in carrying out foreign exchange transactions. In some of the countries where there is a currency exchange, foreign currency transactions are allowed to perform only through them. The participants of trading currency in most countries are lending institutions, at least - and other financial institutions, such as insurance and pension funds, investment companies, acting through the brokerage firm. Exchanges are reflected in the accounts of all foreign exchange transactions bidders and exchange in this case acts as a guarantor of payment. concept of market conditions, goals, and methods of analysis Any marketing operation (development strategy and planning, selecting a segment of the market, the decision to release a new product, the conclusion of the contract for sale, withdrawal from the market, price changes , etc.) is carried out taking into account the market situation and the company's position in the market. The term situation occurs from late situacio - position.

The market situation is a combination of conditions and circumstances that create a specific environment or the position on the market. The concepts of market situation and market conditions are closely related. The first principle of marketing: «market research» or marketing research. Under this principle refers to the work of a professional (which requires a high enough skill) for the study and analysis of market conditions, and includes its own market research, trade and other similar markets.

From the definition it is clear that the study of the market consists of two components: the «environment» and «self-marketing», also called «a comprehensive analysis of the market.» Include a definition of market conditions: 1. «Trend» or «dynamic» understanding of the situation - the study of interrelated causes and conditions that define the transition from one state of the market (and its individual ...

Назад | сторінка 11 з 23 | Наступна сторінка

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