particular increase of volumes of productive charges on 1 hectare.
Table 2.9the structure of production cost and the size of expenditure on 1 centner of corn on grain of LTD. AgroKim
Indicator Base yearActual yearгрн% грн.% Laborcostthous. UAN17,31,075296,44,74Social deductionsthous. UAN6,40,391947,91,74Directmaterialcostthous. UAN1595,298,4584860,876,0Including: seed and planting material thous. UAN148,29,2925616,830,19Fertilizers thous. UAN- - 18520,321,82fuelthous. UAN- - 12651,114,91Payment for services and work thous. UAN1443,090,467623,98,98Other material cost thous. UAN40,2520448,724,1Depreciation of capital assets thous. UAN0,60,043051,12,73Overall expenditures thous. UAN0,80,0516507,014,78Production cost- total thous. UAN1620,3100,00111663,2100,00 a production cost and the size of the articles of LTD. AgroKim raquo ;, evidently, that in basic year a most percent of charges is on direct material charges. In particular 90.46% on payment of services and works; a next place in the system of indexes is occupied: seed and planting material - 9,29% and 0,25% are other material charges. The least percent is on depreciation of inconvertible assets - 0,04%. On the whole a productive prime price in basic year presented a 1620,3 thousand UAN ... The analysis of data of actual year shows that seed and seed and planting material in the structure of the articles of LTD. AgroKim fold are 30,19%, charges on the remuneration of labor - 4,74 %%. The least percent occupies a contribution on social measures - 1,74%, and depreciation of capital assets that present 2,73%. General productive prime price - 1centner corn on grain of thousand UAN in actual year for LTD. AgroKim presents a 111663,2 thousand UAN, that on a 110042,9 thousand UAN more than in basic year.a next table we will analyses data on a prime price and profitability of production of corn on grain on LTD. AgroKim raquo ;.
Table 2.10prime price and profitability of production of corn are on grain on LTD. AgroKim
Indicators2011 year2012 year 2013 year2014 уear to% of +2012 yearTotal cost of 1 centner of corn of grain UAN135,16182,54147,321,09 to timesPrice of 1 centner of corn of grain UAN 85,29101, 63226,452,66 to timesProfit per 1 centner of corn of grain UAN - 49,87-80,91-79,13ХThe rate of return,% - 36,90-44,3253,71Х settling and analyzing results, see that the complete prime price of a 1 center of corn on grain in 2014 comparatively with +2012 year increased in 1,09 to times. The cost of realization of a 1center of corn on grain increased in 2,66to times.
Part III. Deepening of specialization and increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production
. 1 Concentration of agricultural production and translation of him are on industrial basis
concentration of production means his socialization through the jumbo zing of enterprises, concentration of processes of production, labor force, capital and producing of products goods on all more large enterprises.economic practice distinguish three basic types of concentration:
aggregate is an increase of single power or productivity of technological options, aggregates, equipment;
technological is enlargement of productive units (workshops, departments, productions) of enterprise;
plant (factory) is a process of increase of size of independent enterprises (plants, factories, combines, production and other amalgamations), that comes true on principle of aggregate and technological concentration of led to distinguish absolute and relative even concentrations of production. The first is characterized by the middle size of enterprises that or that industry of national economy, second - by part of large enterprises on a certain index.determination of relative level of concentration of production all enterprises group after their sizes. Sign of grouping can be a quantity of personnel, cost of capital assets, volume of products. It is however necessary to realize that the quantity of personnel (especially on condition of highly-mechanized and automated production) is not able to give reliable description of level of concentration, but the cost of capital assets only mediated characterizes the size of enterprise. Otherwise speaking, only volume of clean products most exactly and full represents the level of concentration of production.monofood industries enterprises it is expedient to determine size on the volume of products in natural expression, and in industries with a homogeneous equipment, but by the wide assortment of products, - after the amount of the set equipment (for example, in textile industry - after the amount of looms or spindles). In seasonal industries (for e...