pan align="justify"> educational, developing
and equipment: a textbook, a board, cards Procedure: Organizational moment ( 3 min) Phonetic drill
Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.
III. Checking home tasks p.61 ex 4
IV. New topic " What does your farther do
V. New lexic
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Month, Birthday, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,
VI. Repetition of ordinal numbers
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth
VII. Work at the blackboard p.62 ex 5. Homework p.62 ex 7feedback:
Teacher read new words, checking homework. Teacher with the students to do the exercises was a dialogue and ask and answer questions. Pupils repeat new words.purposes of lessons were reached. Pupils try to actively participate in class.lesson was interesting. p align="justify"> The analysis of a lesson of an English language lesson
LESSON PLAN: 08.02.2013 Group 5 "A :" Daily regime Level: Beginner
Objectives: educational, developing and equipment: a textbook, a board, cards
Procedure: Organizational moment ( 3 min) Phonetic drill
Wash Wash Wash Your Hands (Tune of Row Row Your Boat) Wash Wash Your Handsthem nice and cleanthem on top, wash on bottom and fingers in between
III. Checking home tasks p.62 ex 7
IV. New topic " Daily regime
V. New lexic
To get up, to have breakfast, to have supper, to go to school, to go to bed, to go home, to watch TV, to do homework. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
VI. Work at the blackboard p.70 ex 3. Homework p.70 ex 9feedback:
Teacher read new words, checking homework. Teacher with the students to do the exercises was a dialogue and ask and answer questions. Pupils repeat new words.purposes of lessons were reached. Pupils try to actively participate in class.lesson was interesting. p align="justify"> The analysis of a lesson of an English language lesson
LESSON PLAN: 09.02.2013 Group 5 "A :" How many boys in your class? Level: Beginner
Objectives: educational, developing and equipment: a textbook, a board, cards
Procedure: Organizational moment ( 3 min). Checking home tasks p.70 ex 9. New topic "How many boys in your class?
IV. Phonetic drill
Become, Became, Become
V. New lexic
Hair, eyes, long, short, chairs, pictures, windows, plants, bags
VI. Work at the blackboard p.71 ex 2. Homework p.71 ex 7feedback:
Teacher read new words, checking homework. Teacher with the students to do the exercises was a dialogue and ask and answer questions. Pupils repeat new words.purposes of lessons were reached. Pupils try to actively participate in class.lesson was interesting. p align="justify"> The analysis of a lesson of an English language lesson
LESSON PLAN: 11.02.2013 Group 5 "A :" We are going to visit Frank next year < b align = "justify"> Level: Beginner
Objectives: educational, developing and equipment: a textbook, a board, cards
Procedure: Organizational moment ( 3 min). Checking home tasks p.71 ex 7. New topic Be going to + infinitive ...