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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

student, etc.) This, in turn, necessitated the study of foreign languages. Сommunication in any language requires a large vocabulary, which is accumulated over several years. It follows that to study the language should begin in early childhood. This caused a search for new methods of teachers to enable children to effectively and efficiently, and most importantly with interest to l earn a foreign language. Given the fact that interest is the best stimulus to learning, to try to use every opportunity to relieve the child through play activities in learning the language.use of games in the English lessons promotes communicative activity character education lessons focus on the psychological development of students rechemyslitelnoy means the language is spoken, optimization of intellectual activity of students in the learning process, the complexity of learning, development and intensification of its forms of group work. We all know that is easier to memorize something that is interesting, but it is interesting that exciting, does not cause boredom. In an entertaining form of a game you can work out and repeat the course material, greatly add to your active vocabulary, and strengthen the skills to get the correct spelling of English words.game - a huge incentive to succeed where sometimes ineffective many traditional exercises . The lesson can be an unforgettable journey into the world of the English language, to enable not only strong, but weak students show their creativity. Even the most insignificant success - a huge step towards knowledge.my work I want to dwell in detail on the use of language games in English class and share their experiences and best practices in this area.is difficult to remember the spelling, especially if they are not written by the rules. And during the game, the competition is faster. Many well known since childhood game "Hangman": given the first and last letters of the word, and dashes denote missing letters. Who will restore the first floor - the one and the winner. br/>

e. g. E - T (Elephant) P - E (Police)

The game can be used to remove the monotony when developing language material and to enhance the voice of the students. I give priority to the work of students in pairs and groups, strongly support the desire of children to communicate in English. In order to maintain a constant interest in the subject, I use an unusual form of lessons, methods and techniques that cause children to strengthen their knowledge in different situations, and educational games in this very helpful.theme - Medicine., Was in a medicine (medicine), and no it was not necessary, because no one was ill (be ill), and all were healthy (healthy), but once the girl's sore throat (sore throat) and she went to the doctor (a doctor), and he ordered her medicine and she recovered (recover), etc., students like the form of tasks: tell kids the word in Russian, they have it transla...

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