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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

for the enterprise, from business point of view - interest, beneficial in its infrastructure have all these subsystems serving, but it's too expensive, and requirements and they are too high. The fourth problem concerns the training of personnel involved in management of logistics infrastructure, methods of operation, equipped with modern technological facilities and equipment, infrastructure management methods. The problem of professional personnel, but rather a problem of lack of professional logistics staff, really important for companies that have decided to build its operations, using logistic approach. This is due to the fact that in our country logistics are just beginning to develop, so most experts still do not understand some of the tasks of logistics functions and duties. The last of the problems, which should attract attention - a low level of enterprise information infrastructure, lack of integrated information center Continue entire logistics chain. p align="justify"> Chapter 3. PROBLEMS OF REPRODUCTION TASHLYAHIV INFRASTRUCTURE

3.1 Problems of industrial infrastructure in the Ukraine

In the modern system of industry, when no specialized enterprise maintenance companies are forced to develop its own set of shops, facilities and services for maintenance of basic industries. In the development of industrial infrastructure has certain disadvantages: - Fragmentation of support and service agencies; - Low level of specialization and concentration, the lag in technology and work organization; - Low level of mechanization and automation; - Low productivity and high costs of production , works and services. Progress in the development of techniques and technologies of the main causes of changes need adequate industrial infrastructure businesses. Increased mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes increases the volume and complexity of the repair, maintenance and debugging facilities, provides a significant expansion of the range instrument, equipment and adaptations. The transition to new technologies and accelerating technological modes of the equipment increases the quality requirements and increases the need for different types of energy. Complications of production processes and the deepening of internal relations between units increases the volume of work in transportation. This significantly increases the role and importance of industrial infrastructure businesses. However, in this context and problems of rational organization of production infrastructure. To achieve high economic performance of enterprises not rationally organize jobs, you need to adjust their maintenance and operation. All this directly affects the productivity and outcomes of the enterprise. In modern conditions to achieve high technical and economic indices of production is impossible without sustainable development as a major manufacturing and industr...

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