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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

ial infrastructure. Since the role of service units and services in the manufacturing process changes considerably under the influence of market factors and scientific and technical progress, for the rational organization of maintenance must anticipate and take into account the tendencies of their development. First, enterprise restructuring, which resulted in the formation of certain specialized industries, oriented individualized demand of their services. World practice of maintenance put into question the existence of service and support facilities directly to large industrial enterprises. Many of them against self-service operation and supporting industries put forward the following arguments: - Low level of mechanization and automation of work; - Weak base service units; - The worst possible use of progressive forms and methods of maintenance - Higher costs and worse quality of a performance-obsluhovuvalnyh auxiliary operations and production; - High proportion of auxiliary workers in comparison with world standards. Many companies are often the number of auxiliary workers reached 50% of the total amount. At the same time in the industrially-developed countries in similar enterprises: - The number of auxiliary workers twice smaller: - Extreme fragmentation of service that leads to a significant gap between the mechanization of basic and auxiliary production; - Incomplete loading areas ancillary industries and insufficient use of their capacity, leading to disruption of functional activity of these units; - Dispersion of fixed and floating facilities, labor, affecting the growth of irrational costs. Thus, it is factors that are indicative of negative consequences operation maintenance directly in the industry. From this, the tendency to perform the functions of maintenance of specialized small businesses. For example. in the US the vast majority of maintenance work carried out by specialized firms and many industrial enterprises not serving their farms. Second, there are changes in the structure of the maintenance, increase the technical level as the main production pours the contents of auxiliary works, pull them to the general level and increase their role in the production process. With the complication of processes expands the scope of work of auxiliary workers and robi complexity of maintenance. In the near future, substantially changed the role of support and service functions that will move into the category defining. It therefore requires changing the way the forms and methods of maintenance and encourage the emergence of new professions with versatile functions. Thus, the objective processes that result from scientific and technical progress and other factors could lead to the integration of basic and auxiliary, process where the organization of maintenance will be part of a single process of production and operation of the service will be linked with technology direct manufacturing of products based on a single int...

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