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Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

lation of Britain was Celtic. Despite five-century Roman occupation (lasting from I to the V century AD), the Romanization of the British Isles in a little considerable degree didn «t occur. From V century migration to Britain of the German tribes (English, saxophones and yuts), substantially pressed Celts begins. Though the first penetration of Christianity on this territory refer to the II century, the original Christianization of the country is dated the end of the VI century when father Grigory I sent to Britain mission from forty monks led by the well-known Augustine who has become the first archbishop Canterbury and based first monastery.about the beginning translational (and literary) activity in England, mention usually a name of monk Kedmon (VII century), shifting poetically in Old English language some plots of the Scriptus. A bit later the largest author of that era of Bede (672 (673) - 735), written in Latin «Church history of the english people» and some compositions, made an attempt to translate the Gospel from John, but because of death didn »t manage to finish it (translation didn't remain). In the VIII century poetic retellings of separate bible books, processing of church anthems, and also a free translation of the Latin poem about a Phoenix, attributed to poet Kunevulf were created. But original blossoming of Old English translation belongs to the end of the IX century and is connected with activity of king Alfred (849 - the beginning of the 900th). By the time of its accession to the throne the situation in the country was the extremely adverse. Continuous invasions of Danes led to decline and destruction of many monasteries - the centers of medieval culture. Strongly level of the education identified during that time with knowledge of Latin went down. According to Alfred, by the beginning of its board it was difficult to find the person capable at least to translate the letter from Latin of English. On the other hand, the king well realized that the knowledge best of all extends in the country when it is stated in language of people, it occupying. From there was a program of translational activity: «To translate in language which all of us understand, some books which are most necessary for all people» [29, p. 54].

performance of this task Alfred collected round himself the scientific circle which members became the bishop of Wales Asser - future biographer of the king, bishop Worcester Verfurt who has become subsequently the archbishop to Canterbury, Pleglmund and other persons. Alfred also wrote the letter to France to the archbishop Rheims in which reported about a lack of educated people of own country; in reply the archbishop sent it scientist Grimbold.In general it is possible to assume that the idea of ??creation of the circle mentioned above was to some extent cast to the English monarch by the similar circle existing almost by century earlier at court of Charles the Great . However the last was a stronghold of Latin education whereas in the center of attention of Alfred was educationally - translational activity in the native language.the king, though was trained in Latin, didn «t get a systematic school education, the question of extent of personal participation of the English monarch in transfers executed by members of a circle can »t be considered solved up to the end. However Alfred «s most important role as inspirer and the organizer of the grandiose work which d...

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