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Реферат Gender discourse in modern English and Russian belles-letters

) «man« s »language, and a deviation from norm -« female »was considered as norm. The second stage is marked by the large-scale researches caused by growth of interest to pragmatic aspect of linguistics, development of sociolinguistics and essential changes in traditional distribution of man »s and female roles in a society.background of gender researches in linguistics leaves the roots in antiquity and is connected with occurrence of the symbolical-semantic concept of a gender category (genus), considering it in a close connection with a direct reality: presence of people of a different sex. The given symbolical-semantic hypothesis was supported by such scientists as M. Gerder, J. Grimm, V. Humboldt, etc., That has predetermined its long domination in the linguistic description. The symbolical-semantic hypothesis has not found acknowledgement because of opening of languages ??in which the gender category is absent. Nevertheless, in frameworks of criticism of the given hypothesis and gradual replacement by its morphological and syntactic explanation of gender category invariable there was a recognition of that the gender category itself is capable to affect human perception of corresponding words and concepts.theme of mutual relation of language and gender was peripheral in linguistics, and regular researches in the given area were not spent. Only in the beginning of last century the given problematic - the language and floor theme - began to be put in the forefront for two reasons: first, because of heightened interest to it of linguists with a world name (E. Sepir, F. Mautner , O. Espersen) and, secondly, in the linguistic description the social plan considering language in connection with a society and the person being in it began to be put forward. It occurrence of new directions in linguistics - sociolinguistics, the pragmatist, psycholinguistics, the discourse and communications theory speaks.the end of the 60 th - beginning of 70 th of the XX century gender researches have received a powerful impulse thanks to the New women « s movement in the USA and Germany therefore in linguistics there was the new direction named feministic linguistics (FL - the term has been entered by L. Push) or feministic criticism of language. R. Lakoff »s work« Language and a place of the woman », proved anthropocentricity of language and defectiveness of the image of the woman in the picture of the world reproduced in language [26, 84]. Interrelation of language and gender was focus of many researches which history breaks up to two periods. For the first period prominent features were: 1) irregular character of research; 2) «man« s »language, and a deviation from norm -« female »was considered as norm. The second stage is marked by the large-scale researches caused by growth of interest to pragmatic aspect of linguistics, development of sociolinguistics and essential changes in traditional distribution of man »s and female roles in a society.background of gender researches in linguistics leaves the roots in antiquity and is connected with occurrence of the symbolic-semantic concept of a category of a sort (genus), considering it in a close connection with a direct reality: presence of people of a different floor. The given symbolic-semantic hypothesis was supported by such scientists as M. Gerder, J. Grimm, V. Humboldt, etc., That has predetermined its long domination in the linguistic description. The Cimvoliko-semantic hypothesis ha...

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