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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

e worst things about my house is the lack of privacy. If I disappear into my room for some peace, it s guaranteed that someone will come after me, wanting to know what I am up to. The thing is because I share a room with my little sister, I can t just shut the door, and keep everyone out. She s always complaining that it s her room, too. Even worse, it means nothing safe, I guess she goes through all my stuff, mucks about with my toiletries, and eats the sweets I keep in my room. If I want to keep anything secret, I have to use a lock and key on my cup board. граматика англійська мова топік

I don t know who I dislike more, my older brother, who is 16, or my younger one, who s 11. My older brother is a total creep. He pushes me around a lot and is always making nasty little comments about me. I hate being in the house alone with him. My little brother is just a geek. He asks me embarrassing questions about boys and stuff, and always shows me up in front of my mates. If I m on the phone to one of my friends, he picks up the extension and listens in.

Although I m nearly fifteen, my mum and dad treat me like a baby. They don t let me out at night during the week and if I want to go to a friend s house at the weekend, they phone up her parents first and arrange what time I ve to be home by. Dad always asks me about boys, warning me that I m not allowed to go out on a real date till I m at least 15 - what a joke! He keeps nagging me about home work and studying, and he doesn t believe me when I say I don t have any to do . He just thinks I m being lazy when I sit watching TV at night.

The other thing that bugs me is that I m treated like an unpaid slave in the house. I have to do the dishes, help with the ironing ...... I wouldn t object to this if everyone in the house did their fair share, but my brothers only keep their room clean, and my sister just acts like a baby and does nothing. Mum tells me that she needs the help and I m the best at doing homework, but that s because I m the only one who does it!

I m going to leave home as soon as I m old enough. It d be great if...

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