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Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

полум'я, прапор;

3) some of the undeclinable inanimate nouns: депо, таксі, рагу,
As the grammatical category of gender does not reflect anything in the objective world it is not rendered in other languages.does not cause any interlanguage interferences when English is spoken by Russians.

Nouns Denoting Male Sex

Uzbek nouns denoting male and female sex are of no grammatical significance in contrast to English and Russian ones. The grammatical significance of English nouns denoting male and female sex is observed when they are replaced by the pronouns he and she: I have a brother. He is a doctor. I have a sister. She is a teacher.

English: father, husband, boy, brother, gentleman, uncle, David, cock, actor, hero, director. z bek: ота, ер, ака, ука, тога, Салім, х, укіз, хуроз, артист,

Мурабба, Ергашев, шоір.

Nouns Denoting Female Sex

Engl: mother, sister, girl, lady, woman, Helen, poetess, directress, aunt, hen, cow. z b: вона, опа, Кіз, АЕЛ, хонім, Xаліма, шоіра, ра?? оса,

артистка, б'ючи, хола.of the nouns denoting living beings do not express sex:

1) human beings: doctor, friend, cousin, teacher, stranger, neigh-
bour, student, clerk, etc.
2) animals: wolf, dog, bear, eagle, ass, goat, elephant, etc.

If we desire to indicate the sex of what is expressed by those nouns, a word denoting the sex is added to them: boy-friend, girlfriend; man-servant, maid-servant; man-doctor , woman-doctor; male elephant, female elephant; he-dog, she-dog; male (torn-, he-) cat, female - (pussy - she-) cat; he - (billy-) goat, she - ( nanny-) goat; dog - (he-) wolf, she-wolf, etc.Spoken English there is a tendency to associate the names of animals with the female or male sex.

1) When the noun indicates the sex of the animal it is generally
spoken of as he (lion, tiger, bull, etc) or she (lioness, tigress, cow,
The tiger approached the camp: his dreadful roar made us shudder. The bull lowered his head.dog is called Jenny; she is of a very good breed.

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