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Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

oun on its correlation to that or other pronoun of the third party of a singular ( she , he and it ). As the reason for it ability of the same noun to correlation more than with one pronoun while on conditions of differentiation correlation to pronouns she , he and it represents itself as indicators female, man's and a neutral gender accordingly serves.of the fixed order of pronominal-substantive correlation leads to patrimonial mobility of nouns in modern English language., having released from specifically grammatical functions, the gender category has turned in modern English language to rather rich and strong means for expression of various categories of cultural-historical character and consequently it represents exclusive interest for sociolinguistics [to Timpko, 1970:4].

.3 The ways of expressing of category of gender in English and Uzbek

category of gender exists in Russian and it is represented by a system of three member opposition: masculine gender, feminine gender and neuter gender.category of gender is clearly observed in the singular forms. Gender distinctions in the plural forms are considerably obliterated. Masculine nouns include:

nouns which have stems ending in a consonant and a zero morpheme in the nominative case: стіл, ніж, дуб; the majority of nouns which have stems ending in a softened consonant and in - й: кінь, звір, герой, джміль, грак;

3) nouns denoting male sex: Коля, дядя, слуга, маестро, лантухи.

4) nouns with the augmentative suffixes - іна, - іще derived from
the stem of masculine nouns: домище, доміще;
5) nouns with the suffixes ИШКА, - ішко derived from the

stem of masculine nouns: шалунишка, домішко.nouns comprise:

an absolute majority of nouns with the ending - а (-я) in the nominative case of the singular: парта, сестра, земля, стіна; some nouns with a stem ending in a softened consonant excepting - й: тінь, мережа, ніч, лінь, etc.

Neuter nouns include:

nouns with the ending - o (e): вікно, поле; nouns ending in - ма: час, ім'я, плем'я,...

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