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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

Реферат Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

grams on state radio and television. There are, however, short summer courses of about a week that the students have to attend and special part-time study centers where they can meet their tutors when they have problems.are also a variety of other British higher institutions, which offer higher education . Some, like the Royal College of Arts, the Cornfield Institute of Technology and various Business Schools, have university status, while others, such as agricultural, drama and arts colleges like the Royal Academy of Dramatics Arts (RADA) and the Royal college of Music provide comparable courses. All these institutions usually have a strong vocational aspect in their programs, which fills a specialized role in higher education.and expressionsforce - рушійна сила assume - припускати, допускати

enrolment - реєстрація

to merge - зливатися, з'єднуватися

oversea - зарубіжний

virtually - фактично

semi-independent - напівнезалежний

network - мережа, спільнота

chapel - каплиця

to cater - догоджати

to resemble - походити, мати схожість

to admit - допускати, визнавати

to comprise - включати, містити

pattern - система, зразок civil - цивільний

to cater - постачати

to claim - претендувати, вимагати emphasize - осoбое значення

upgrade - підйом

elitist - добірний

to enroll - реєструвати, записувати

via - через

sheer - абсолютний extra-mural - заочний

honors degrees - почесні ступені

noticeable - помітний

to enable - давати можливість або право to modify - видозмінювати

workforce - робоча сила digestion - засвоєння

grant - стипендія loan - позика

to fund - вкладати, робити запас

affluent - приплив

to worsen - погіршуватися

Task 5. Match the English and Russian equivalents. p align="justify"> higher education способностіexamучебний годучебние посібники

abilities творча діяльність

academic yearнаука

creative activities набувати знання з ....

to acquire knowledge inнавикі, вміння

study aidsвступітельний іспит

scienceвисшее освіта

to assessоценівать, розцінювати

Task 6. Give the English equivalents. p align="justify"> Вчений, пророкування, спостереження, безробіття, промисловий, модний, цінний, повторення, центральний, забудькуватий, колективний, угода, неможливий, історичний.

Task 7. Translate underlined words and phrases into English. p align="justify">. The aim of the government is збільшити the number of students who надходять до вищих навчальних закладів. p align="justify">. The British University year ділиться into three terms, приблизно eight to ten weeks each. p align="justify">. Існує two different types of post-graduate courses - the Master s Degree (MA or MSc), which займає one or two years, and the higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which займає two or three years.

. There are short літні курси of about a week that the students have to відвідувати and special part-time study centers where they can meet their tutors when виникають у них проблеми. p align="justify"> Task 8. Practiсe the following dialogues. p align="justify">. At an International Conference.Clark, a British scientist, is talking to Oleg Smirnov, his Russian counterpart, at an international conference during a break.: Your recent experiments have been a great success, Mr Smirnov Congratulations! Smirnov: Thank you very much. You've read my last article, then, haven't you?: Of course I have. I'm very interested in your research, and I hardly ever miss your publications. By the way, when are you going to give a talk on your work?: Some time next week at the Research Centre, but I can't tell you definitely yet.: Could you ring me up and let me know?: Certainly. : Thank you ever so.

. A Television Interview.Nikitin is a young film director who has just taken part in a film festival abroad. His film has won a prize, and he's going to give an interview on television. The interviewer's a TV reporter.: I'd like to congratulate you on your recent success .. Nikitin: Than...

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