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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Planning of mobile complete set for a rural wind generator

Реферат Planning of mobile complete set for a rural wind generator

. br/> 7.2.2 Rural artisans who can assemble the wind turbine

Since there are many local artisans who fix cars, electrical appliances and do some mechanical work in this village, manpower should not a problem. An engineer from the government or Non-governmental organization could educate these local artisans on assembling the wind generator. This will have a positive impact on Ga-Rampuru village as it will encourage people to work and be creative. There are many old wind mills used for pumping water in Ga-Rampuru village, most of these wind mills are working perfectly well supplying sufficient water. This is a clear indication that there is a reliable supply of wind in the village. br clear=all> 7.3 Simulation results

It has been shown that a reasonable amount of power can be realised from a generator using recycled magnets from the dumpsites

В  7.4 Cost involved in the design

The overall cost of assembling this wind generator system will be very cost effective since all the materials are recycled from the village, and the entire system will be assembled by local artisans. br/> 7.5 Validity of this thesis

Small power that can turn on small lamps will really be appreciated in this village as children will be able to study after sunset. This will clearly have a wide range of positive developmental benefits on this community.

Chapter 8. Recommendations

Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations were drawn:

1. For a more accurate recyclable wind turbine design, all its components such as the drum, the tower, rotor disk and cables must be explored in depth. The following must be considered:

В· Investigate how to extract maximum power from the wind using the drum, and how to prevent the drum from over spinning. p> В· How to use other irregular recyclable magnets in the village in the generator design.

2. Investigate how a permanent magnet generator topology can be changed or re-designed to accommodate the design of a generator with the shape of the loudspeaker magnets.

3. Look in to how the magnets can be removed from the speakers, since very strong clue is used to mount them, how this can be done in a cost effective way.

4. The axial flux permanent magnet topology should also be looked into to compare it to the radial flux type.

5. The exact costs of assembling and maintaining the recycled wind turbine should also be incorporated in the design procedure.

6. With the little output power generated in this thesis, this project must definitely be taken further to alleviate the electricity problems in South Africa. br/>


1. Socio-economic rights project, "The right to affordable electricity" copyright @ community law centre 2002

2. IDASA, <# "1.files/image027.gif">

b) Alnico FLux_RMS = 0.0168

EMF_RMS = 5.1619


NdFeB FLux_RMS = 0.0459

EMF_RMS = 9.4262


2. Loud Speaker Magnet

FLux_RMS = 0.0171

EMF_RMS = 3.4987


Appendix B

Matlab code for sketching the output emf and flux of the generators

% EMF calculation from FEMM

% By Maribini Manyage


clear all; close all;

P = 2;

w = 1912;% mechanical speed in rpm

freq = (w * pi/30) * P/(4 * pi);% frequency

XA = load ('flux_link_A.txt');

XB = load ('flux_link_B.txt');

XC = load ('flux_link_C.txt');

beta = XA (:, 1);% angle between Is_r and d-axis [elec degrees]

alpha = beta - beta (1,1);% Rotor position in [elec degrees] from Zero

time = alpha * (pi/180)/(2 * pi * freq);% * 1000;% time

flux_link_A = 2 * XA (:, 2);

flux_link_B = 2 * XB (:, 2);

flux_link_C = 2 * XC (:, 2);

% Perform spline in order to differentiate flux linkage vs time

pp_flux_A = spline (time, flux_link_A);

pp_flux_B = spline (time, flux_link_B);

pp_flux_C = spline (time, flux_link_C);

% extracting piecewise polynomial coefficients and derivation

[hgt, wdth] = size (pp_flux_A.coefs);

clear AA;

for k = 1: hgt

AA (k, :) = polyder (pp_flux_A.coefs (k, :));


dpp_flux_A = MKPP (time, AA)

[hgt, wdth] = size (pp_flux_B.coefs);

clear AA;

for k = 1: hgt

AA (k, :) = polyder (pp_flux_B.coefs (k, :));


dpp_flux_B = MKPP (time, AA);

[hgt, wdth] = size (pp_flux_C.coefs);

clear AA;

for k = 1: hgt

AA (k, :) = polyder (pp_flux_C.coefs (k, :));


dpp_flux_C = MKPP (time, AA);

% back emf

emf_A = ppval (time, dpp_flux_A);...

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