Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Мовна гра. Дж. Оруелл "1984"

Реферат Мовна гра. Дж. Оруелл "1984"

tive, or adverb. Between the verb and the noun form, when they were of the same root, there was never any variation, this rule of itself involving the destruction of many archaic forms. The word THOUGHT , for example, did not exist in Newspeak. Its place was taken by THINK , which did duty for both noun and verb. No etymological principle was followed here: in some cases it was the original noun that was chosen for retention, in other cases the verb. Even where a noun and verb of kindred meaning were not etymologically connected, one or other of them was frequently suppressed. There was, for example, no such word as CUT , its meaning being sufficiently covered by the noun-verb KNIFE . Adjectives were formed by adding the suffix - FUL to the noun-verb, and adverbs by adding - WISE . Thus for example, SPEEDFUL meant rapid and SPEEDWISE meant quickly < span align = "justify">. Certain of our presentday adjectives, such as GOOD , STRONG , BIG , BLACK , SOFT , were retained, but their total number was very small. There was little need for them, since almost any adjectival meaning could be arrived at by adding - FUL to a noun-verb. None of the now existing adverbs was retained, except for a very few already ending in - WISE : the - WISE termination was invariable. The word WELL , for example, was replaced by GOODWISE "[12].

"Граматика новомови відрізнялася двома особливостями. Перша - суто гніздовий будова словника. Будь-яке слово в мові могло породити гніздо, і в принципі це відносилося навіть до самих абстрактним, як, наприклад, " якщо ": " есліть "," есленно "і т.д. Ніякої етимологічний принцип тут не дотримувався; словом-виробником могли стати і дієслов...

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