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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

me is planning major paint-operation and social facilities. The principal his personality is just that the planning of capital construction of social infrastructure by taking into account their so-called capacity (number of seats in the dining room, children's garden the number of daily visits to clinics etc.). The initial stage of capital construction is its design. Project as the final result of the design process is a complex document, which substantiates the technical feasibility and economic-to the integrity of construction (reconstruction) of a particular object. The process of usually specialized design organizations. It includes two successive stages: 1) the collection and preparation necessary to design materials, 2) directly figure rose revision of estimates and calculations. Typical contents of feasibility are: justify the demands for products (services) facility that provides build (expand, reconstruct); characteristics of specialization (destination) and the structure of the object, its design capacity (bandwidth); description of possible sources of the necessary categories of personnel, material and financial resources; choice of territorial location of the object (for construction of a new facility); the approximate calculation of the necessary investments and their socio-economic efficiency; Based on the approved feasibility study together with the customer project organization is a task for a technical project, which contains all the necessary design information, including: performance production (activities) and capital investment requirements for the use of scientific and technical and organizational progress and so on. The second stage - direct design. Depending on the size and complexity of the object is projected, this step can be performed in one or two stages. For large and complex objects design process includes two stages: 1) development of technical design, 2) the processing of working drawings. The composition of technical project includes several sections, the most important ones are: the economic part, the general plan and transportation, technological part of the construction, organization of construction work, estimates. Technical project together with the consolidated budget and financial accounts to be approved by the customer. He then becomes the basis for financing the construction (expansion, reconstruction) of the object, ordering equipment and processing of working drawings. By working drawings made directly carried out construction and installation work. For building, which is typical for projects or for small and technically simple design objects by a single stage - through the development of techno-business project, ie technical design with working drawings. Capital construction (expansion, reconstruction) of objects of any appoin...

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