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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

orresponding objects. The main purpose and outcome of major building - the introduction of new production capacity. Its planning of the company are as follows. 1. Specified payments balance production capacity with a corresponding range of products. With this IU В¬ checked by that: the availability of production capacity at the beginning of the planned period, estimates of their use; terms of project development capacities of objects that were previously enacted. 2. Assesses the possibility of growth of production capacity at the expense of organizational and technical measures, technical renovation and reconstruction. 3. Determined amount necessary introduction of new products capacity by expanding existing production facilities or new construction. They are calculated as the difference between the planned increase in production of the products and the greatest possible increase capacity at existing production facilities due to their technical equipments and reconstruction. In the planning of capital construction is important to you not only the volume of the introduction of production potuzhnos В¬ Tay, but also costs connected therewith. This is necessary in order to justify the economic feasibility of construction (expansion, re В¬ construction), choose the best way of capital investment, promptly pay for completed construction work purchased equipment and more. For this purpose, determined estimated cost of works which, in fact, be cost-structures in its provisions a particular object. Estimated construction cost - is expressed in monetary regulations (design) costs: Construction, purchase equipment, tools, equipment, design and exploration works; cover other costs associated with construction. All costs provided for in the estimates is worth toast of construction works, divided into: direct costs (basic salary construction cost of building materials, components, structures, you spending on operation of construction machines and mechanisms) ; overhead costs (costs for maintenance and construction management); planned savings (normative profit building organizations that set as a percentage of the sum of direct and Kladno costs). The task of putting into operation of fixed assets are defined as differences between this В¬ estimated cost of construction of objects that will be enacted in the planning period, and expenses that do not form a value of fixed assets. Specification of tasks plan of capital construction and these tasks to the agents by means of thou listings. Title list - is planning document, which set the terms of beginning and end of Construction option (expansion, rehabilitation) facilities, their capacity, total cost of construction, the construction and installation work, the annual size of the introduction of fixed assets called the contractors and the organizations that do the work and equipment suppliers. For such a sche...

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