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Реферат Criminal law

ient to the more specialized services and hospital consultants in case of serious illness.since the population is increasing at a greater rate than the number of doctors , they have even more work to do & the average number of patients on their lists has increased over the past few years. As a result of it the number of areas is considerably «under-doctored». For example, 68 per cent of patients in St.Helen «s (Zancs) are on lists of over 3000 compared to the average 2,250. It is in the industrial areas of the North & of Wales that lists are longest and doctors fewest, where patients need to make more visits than average to the GP The not result is bad for doctor & patient alike: the doctor is grossly overworked & does not have time to give a proper medical service to the patients. Moreover, with the overall shortage of doctors, newly qualified men & woman are on the whole, tending not to go into general practice. This is not only because of financial problems, but also because, in relation to doctors in hospitals, family doctors lack the facilities necessary for practicing medicine.present the family doctor service is almost always organised from the doctor »s own surgeries to which patients go for advice and treatment unless the doctor visits them at homefew doctors work from health centres. Many general practitioners are working with one assistant.number of family doctors within the service has increased and to a large extent a more even distribution of the GPS has been achieved. However, there still remains a number of severely underdoctored areas in the industrial Midlands & the North.4 / 5 (four-fifth) of family doctors in Britain work in partnerships, or group practices, often as members of health care teams which also include health visitors and district nurses and sometimes midwives and social workers.family doctors cooperate and provide a round-the clock service for patients and off-duty and holiday-relief for themselves.visitors are responsible for the preventive care and health education of all families, particularly those with young children.nurses give skilled nursing care to people at home or elsewhere outside hospital.almost all babies are born in hospital, there is a domiciliary service for mothers having their babies at home, with midwives and general practitioners giving both 12ante-natal and post-natal care.the ante-natal and post-natal care and medical supervision of young children, the NHS provides school health and dental service for schoolchildren. Minor aliments are normally dealt with by the school nurses 11under the general supervision of a school doctor. Periodic medical inspections are held and children who are found to need detailed investigation are invited to attend local authority clinics out-patient units, where their cases can be more thoroughly investigated.

Political Correctness

people don t like to talk directly about a number of subjects which are felt to be rather difficult in some way; they hesitate before mentioning directly such things as death, for example. They prefer to use expressions which make the difficult topic sound slightly less so. Thus, you will often hear I m afraid her granny passed on last night rather than I m afraid her granny died last night. Use of a particular kind of euphemism is currently referred to as political correctness or being PC. These are expressions which ...

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