the introduction of new equipment in the body section - rack lift, increased level of mechanization on average by 20% and, therefore, decreases the volume of work in a body section 8095.6 person-hour to 6746.3 person-hour. basic wage of workers after the introduction of the lift:
wages - 10%:
СН=7% (ЗП-ПФ)=0,07 (56846010,375-5684601,0375)=3581298,65 sum
СО=4% (ЗП-ПФ)=0,04 (56846010,375-5684601,0375)=2046456,37 sum
Payroll maintenance workers with charges:
the cost of electricity. Drive hoist - electric, so the cost of electricity per year calculated by the formula:
charges following the introduction of the lift. Depreciation charges are determined:
where СВБ - the cost of equipment, sum;
ТСЛ - service life, year.the cost of equipment M and CR. Bandwidth costs and TS equipment shall be equal to:
costs of materials. Costs of materials make:
Current costs. Current costs when working with lift amount:
Table 4.2of current expenses before and after the introduction of the lift in Body section
NameUnitValueBefore the introduction ofAfter the introduction of +/- labor contentperson-hour8095,66746,31349,3The number of workers on the shop floorperson431The basic wagesum68215549,556846010,37511369539,125Additional wagessum6821554,9556846011136953,9Wage billsum104301575,286917549 , 817384025,4Average monthly wagesum2172949,482414376,38-241426,9Energy costssum0114789,6-114789,6depreciation deductionssum0519486,32-519486,32Costs and TSsum0194807,37-194807,37Costs of materialssum077922,95-77922,95current expensessum104301575,287824556,0416477019, 16
4.3 Calculation of economic efficiency
Calculate the annual saving running costs of the event due to MC:
С1 - amount of costs to implementation activities, sum;
С2 - amount of costs after the introduction of measures, sum.
Е=104301575,2-87824556,04=16477019,16 sumperiod is calculated as the lift:
where КВ - capital investments (КВ=7792294,826 sum - according to table 4.1);
Е - total savings, sum.period lift for buses:
coefficient of effectiveness of capital investments
, the introduction of rack lift for buses to reduce the volume of work by 20% (from 8095.6 man-hour to 6746.3 man-hour) and free one working. By reducing the complexity of work, an additional profit from the difference of current costs to implementation and post-implementation lift in 16477019,16 sum.
5.1 security master plan and production building in body section
LLC Zhizzahavtotransservis in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms have a smooth surface. For stormwater it is equipped with drainage, guttering and drains. Groundwater level below the depth ditches.LLC Zhizzahavtotransservis has two entrance gates. Entrance to the production building is possible with one hand. The area around the production building has concrete cover is kept clean, oiled cotton waste and industrial waste collected in specially designated areas and at the end of work shifts are an escape gate with gate and swing gates with manual opening and having a gate.and power supply of the bus fleet is carried out from the main lines of urban communications by retracting energy on a separate terminal with centralized.territory covered sources of artificial light at night.LLC Zhizzahavtotransservis located within an industrial zone outside the city.territory of the bus fleet landscaped. Green spaces reduce dust and fumes in the environment and reduce the noise level., Walkways for people in the territory are paved. Walkways and driveways are watered in summer and winter are cleared of snow.and well-being fitter during repair defined conditions, which are characterized by the parameters of the microclimate in the workroom, state industrial lighting, noise and vibration in the workplace, the presence in the working area of ??dust and toxic impuritiesconditions are largely determined by the organization of the workplace, working posture, physical and neuropsychological loads (monotony of labor, mental and emotional stress, etc.), psychological climate in the team, the degree of aesthetic production.Maintenance and repair of vehicles are performed only in designated, equipped, fenced and marked places (positions). Jobs and positions in the rooms provide a safe working environment for employees and appropriately protected. Per worker is given not less than 4.5 m2 area and the amount of space not less than 15 m3. Gates open outside working rooms have locks, curtains and vestibules. Entrances to the pr...